Idea Lab – Integration Cloud
Discussion List
0Common Capability for Assign, Stitch and MapOrganization Name OVODescription Currently in OIC there are 3 different ways to map data elements, either using Assign, Stitch or Map. They are all effectively doing the…
0API to update print pending flag and print date for AR InvoicesOrganization Name S&P GlobalDescription We need any rest api or webservice which allows us to update the Print Options like Print Pending Flag and Print Date for AR Invo…
0Ability to FTP the Excel/CSV file from Email through OICDescription I have a requirement to transfer the excel file from email attachment to Oracle SFTP directory by using OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud ) . If any one came acr…
0For making it possible to attach secondary stripe IDCS to Oracle cloud managment(OMC)Organization Name AccentureDescription It is possible to create a secondary stripe IDCS and federate it with OCI. And with the secondary stripe it is possible to attach …
0Connection for RabbitMQDescription for one of our customers, we are planning to migrate the code from Oracle SOA/OSB to OIC. legacy applications use RabbitMQ and Oracle SOA uses spring bean to…
0Ability to use OICS to manage schedules to execute OCI Linux instance shell scriptsOrganization Name The Options Clearing CorporationDescription Ability to use OICS to manage schedules to execute OCI Linux instance shell scripts. Such functionality wou…
0Schema Resource DB Manager is allowed to enable and run only 5 jobs. Need ability to run more jobs tOrganization Name InspirageDescription A Schema Service is able to submit jobs, but is limited to a maximum of 10 defined jobs and 5 jobs running or scheduled at any one…
0Ability to set custom priority to task or activities in PCS in OICOrganization Name Infosys LTDDescription hi, Oracle integration cloud has a process cloud feature. Using PCS we can develop business process like BPM. For carious tasks …Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys 2 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys
0Cloud Environment Provisioning self Service Portal AutomationOrganization Name Oracle Consulting India OfficeDescription Cloud Environment Provisioning self Service Portal Automation for Hybrid Cloud Deployments Comprehensive Adva…Anilkumar Bhagavatula-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anilkumar Bhagavatula-Oracle
0Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives and Madagascar Country Is Missing From Set PreferenceOrganization Name Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd.Description Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives and Madagascar Country Is Missing From Set Preference Use Case and Business N…Selvakumar Laxmanan Chinnasamy-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Selvakumar Laxmanan Chinnasamy-Oracle
0Fusion Payables REST API outputOrganization Name FABDescription Hi Team, I am trying to create integration to check whether given payment or invoice is available in Fusion SAAS or not using below but …
0Custom button or hyperlink on delivered SaaS pages to navigate a user into custom VBCS pages..Description Ability to add a custom button or hyperlink on delivered SaaS pages to navigate a user into a custom VBCS page. We ask that the button/deeplink supports the …
0TraceId attach at API Gateway as a policyOrganization Name Capgemini UKDescription Having a policy that could look for whether an API invocation has been given a Trace Id and either map an existing payload valu…
0GraphQL AdaptorOrganization Name CapgeminiUKDescription GraphQL is becoming a common API technology, particularly to support mobile clients - where a service can be offered and the con…
0update the comments field for an existing receipt using REST APIOrganization Name GTT Communications, Inc.Description Hi Our cash management team work on many different systems and generate reports from each system to get the most ac…
0Release Documentation includes RSS feed or subscriptionOrganization Name CapgeminiDescription Currently, getting notification of the latest release information requires you to go check the latest release details page documen…
0WebHooks for monitoringOrganization Name CapgeminiDescription Currently to see logs you need to pull them. It would be great if you could register webhooks which OIC could then call periodical…
0Engagement Cloud Adapter to Subscribe for OrganizationService Create/Update/Delete Business eventsOrganization Name Digital Realty Trust, L.P.Description The engagement cloud adapter does not have the ability to subscribe for a Organization Create/Update/Delete busin…
0Trailer level validation feature in FTP/file adapterOrganization Name General ElectricDescription Many of our business files to General Ledger come with a trailer line which follows a different schema format from the head…
0ODI Load Planner Scheduler with Customizable time intervalsOrganization Name HuronDescription Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) allows Load Plans that can accommodate multiple serial / parallel executions and can schedule the plans. …