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HCM OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping spreadsheet
This spreadsheet documents HCM OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping and subject area security.
This spreadsheet is published by Oracle OTBI Development. This spreadsheet documents Fusion HCM OTBI subject areas, the corresponding View Objects and database tables and columns. Customers can use this spreadsheet to search for reporting fields in OTBI subject areas or trace the lineage from subject area to database tables, columns and view objects or vice versa.
Release: 25A, 24D, 24C, 24B
Important Note: The subject area to database lineage document will contain details of only those subject areas that leverages the declarative view objects as its building block i.e. the physical layer. If the VO's are of the type expert mode then those subject areas would not be available in this document. For example: Learning Records Real Time.