Customer Response Appreciated: Topics you on which you would like articles published from Product De
Customer Response Appreciated: Topics you on which you would like articles published from Product DevelopmentContent
Customers / Support
I periodically post this request. I will say that you have been responsive on occasion. It would be great if you can contribute your thoughts and feedback on this.
Are there articles related to Fusion Self Service Procurement features that you would like to see more details or articles published in this forum?
Do you have any suggestions on topics you would like us to explore and explain further?
Objective behind this ask: We want to make this forum useful for customers looking for answers on perhaps how certain features work, or how to troubleshoot some specific issues etc. Articles that we publish are one way of meeting this objective. We want our contributions to add more value to your requirements and we think one good way of doing that is getting your inputs on what you would like to see posted here.