Supplier Creation
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Business user want to update 300 plus supplier as a One time Supplier - by one time supplier FlagSummary: Business user want to update 300 plus Suppliers in Oracle Fusion-should have the the "one time supplier" flag as TRUE. They want bulk tag them in Oracle based o…
Follow up on Request to ResubmitAfter clicking Request to Resubmit on supplier self registration, and supplier doesn’t respond for several weeks, is there a follow up mechanism to reach out to Supplier…
Cannot Have Shared Bank Account - Employee and SupplierSummary We have an employee who shares a bank account with a new supplier we need to create.Content We have an employee who shares a bank account with a new supplier we …User_2025-02-04-14-03-09-386 468 views 19 comments 0 points Most recent by César Tello Supplier Management
How to create a supplier from an existing carrier?Summary: If a carrier created in the system becomes a supplier one day, how can we create the supplier easily? So far, we cannot search for a party from the Supplier pag…
Query Supplier contact name based on Job titleSummary: Where to extract supplier contact name based on job title Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am creating a data model using SQL to…
We need to the ability to create more than one vendor for one part.Summary: How we need to the ability to create more than one vendor for one part. Ideally, we would like the system allowing up to ~5 suppliers per part, with a supplier …Somasundaram G-Oracle 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Somasundaram G-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Address REST API is giving 403 forbidden errorSummary: Hi , When trying to create Supplier Address with Rest API its giving below 403 Forbidden Error fscmRestApi/resources/…pavan.vinjamuri 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by David Wright - More4apps Supplier Management
Supplier Bank Account Field only allows 11 Digits for Mexico Suppliers bank accountWhen the supplier bank country is Mexico, Oracle only allows an 11-digit bank account number, whereas we need to input a 12-digit bank account number. To work around thi…
How to restrict DFF on supplier header to be unique value only?Summary: Hi, I have a requirement to pass unique value to DFF on supplier header. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a DFF field on …
Demote supplier from Spend Authorised to ProspectiveSummary: User would like to demote a supplier from spend authorized to prospective. Is this requirement feasible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Supplier Profile Failing in ImportSupplier Profile Failing in Import Due to the Following reason- You must enter the additional name attribute
When Supplier site assignment, client BU and company do not matchWhen Supplier site assignment, company and client BU do not match, Can the system provide error prompts?
How To Make Taxpayer ID Mandatory on Supplier Create Screen?Summary: There is a requirement to make the Taxpayer ID field mandatory for suppliers. Doc ID 2189091.1 has been followed to achieve the requirement. However, upon testi…
leveraging Supplier Registration Redwood Page FunctionalitySummary: Feasibility on leveraging Supplier Registration Redwood Page Functionality in a standalone VBCS app. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Is it possible to add DFF in business classfication page? (redwood)Summary: We want make attahcment mandatory in business classification page and it seems not feasible. So workaround would be add DFF(checkbox-i confirm attachment added)…
Supplier bank account creation, Need to know how account owner is fetched with the organizationSummary: Customer is trying to add the bank account for the supplier in the supplier site level, After adding the supplier bank account, Supplier is try to add the accou…
Ability to search next gen supplier registration bank UI LOVsSummary: ADF external registration Bank account UI lovs are sorted has a ability to search bank /branch in the lov where as VB bank account UI lovs are not sorted or sea…Anita Chittaki-Oracle 35 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
UK Supplier and UTRSummary: Where in supplier info should Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) be stored Taxpayer_id in Oracle Cloud? UK Supplier do not have a VAT number, but has UTR number…
Can we Automatically update site details in Manage Tax Exemption task based on Tax Exemption codeSummary: Hi One of our customers has the following requirement regarding tax exemption handling: When a tax exemption code is added at the supplier level, should the sup…Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle Supplier Management
if a supplier bank account is imported to the supplier or supplier site record can be validated?Summary: if a supplier bank account is imported to the supplier or supplier site record, and the branch is sent along with account number, will oracle validate the bank …
Business wants to have Text info in Company Details Redwood page?Summary: Hi Team, Business wants to have a text info on Company Details Redwood page. Below to Welcome Guardant Health, They want to have "Enter a value for at least one…
Can Business Classification restricted based on BUSummary: While we understand that business classification is on supplier profile. Ours is a Global Customer and solution rolled out across 29 countries. Few of these cou…
Datafox Subscription Required?Is any separate purchase or subscription required to use Datafox for a client who has purchased Supplier module? Are there any downsides to enabling Datafox, and can it …Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal Supplier Management
How can we capture the Legal Name of the supplier while creating a new supplier?Summary: There is a requirement to capture the legal name of the supplier while creating a new supplier either by creating it manually or loading using FBDI. Content (pl…
Alternate pay site in Supplier , How to enable ??Summary: I read about the alternate pay site but unable to enable it at the supplier master level in address how i can use it ?? Content (required): Supplier Version (in…
How to avoid internal Supplier profile change approval while creating the Supplier?Summary: Is it possible not to trigger Internal Profile change approval during Creation of the Supplier? Content (required): As per current functionality, if we opt for …
Can we integrate the third party application supplier details to the redwood supplier registrationOne of the customer is going for the redwood external supplier registration process, They were creating the supplier manually in the application. Before creating the sup…
How to configure consent form for external supplier registrationSummary: How to configure consent form for external supplier registration in different languages Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…
Unable to see routing number in classic UISummary: Hi Team, Users entering Routing Number in External supplier registration tab. But that routing number unable to see in the classic Ui page. Any idea on this? Th…
START_DATE_ACTIVE is getting updated when using FBDI to Inactive Supplier (Import Supplier)Summary: We are using both Web Services and FBDI to create and deactivate suppliers in the ERP system. However, when using FBDI, the START_DATE_ACTIVE field is automatic…