Forms 2.0
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Forms 2.0 Performance does not have parity with 1.0Summary: Forms 2..0 is slower than 1.0 to open and refresh. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Performed the following on 8/1/24. I opened a …Sabrina Greensea-166456 65 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Klaus Andersen EPM Platform and Freeform
Issue with smart list RTP rule not running from form action menuSummary: Issue with smart list RTP rule not running from form action menu, but runs fine from Rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We hav…
Line item details TRCSSummary: Is there any option where in the the new Line Item Detail layout, descriptions carried over from period to period so that it will be helpful to see the comparat…Samhitha Dantala-Oracle 49 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Johanna McGrath EPM Platform and Freeform
Scroll Bar in Forms - Oracle EPMHello, is there a way to make vertical and horizontal scroll bars visible at all times in the Forms and not just when you hover your mouse either to the vertical right s…
Update on Forms 2.0 as defaultSummary: Can you please let us know from when we should mandatorily use Forms and dashboard 2.0. Also please let us know when you are planning to revoke support for Form…
Forms 2.0 not mirroring Forms 1.0 in drop-down selectionHello, We were working on Forms 2.0 but had to switch to Forms 1.0 due to some issues. We've noticed with Forms 2.0, it is not mirroring what was in Forms 1.0 like the i…
There are not enough resources available to perform the requested operation. Please try again later.Summary Assistance Needed: "Not Enough Resources" Error When Opening Forms Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear All, I am encountering the…
Creating charts to display top values in PBCS dashboardsSummary: Creation of a chart limited to displaying a fixed number of members in the PBCS dashboard Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want …
Forms 2.0 Issues FoundSummary: After doing some initial testing of Forms 2.0 in our test environment, we found the below observations/issues where behaviour is different to Forms 1.0 Content …LM 1.6K views 79 comments 7 points Most recent by Navin Vidyashankar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Data Form 2.0 not responsive after save in Edge Browser: Icons keep moving to the right for minutesSummary: Action and Save icons on Dataforms 2.0 in Planning Cloud slowly move to the right over several minutes - no data input/ normal work possible anymore due to the …
Form 2.0: valid intersection performance issues while executing a ruleHi everyone, I'm encountering performance issues when using Form 2.0. If I save data using a Form 1.0 template, the rule execution time from the "form point of view"* is…
Currency sign input in EPBCS data formsSummary: Is there any way we can enter data with currency sign ($) , e.g. : $10,000 in EPBCS data forms (Web and SmartView), without using any extensions\macros? Content…
back Spread failed: formula expression is nullSummary: In forms 2.0, with calc on the fly enabled, users enter numbers into entry cells (L0) and get an 'information' message which states 'back Spread failed: formula…Shirley Stokes 51 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Jennifer Song-259313 EPM Platform and Freeform
Can we add currency formatting to the graphs to the axis and data labels to make display currencySummary: In PBCS Dashboard, when you select chart type as table, we were able to see '£' symbol in my example below. Similarly, can we add currency symbol to axis or dat…Navikesh 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephanie Gianetti-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Form 2.0 in Task ManagerSummary: Currently when displaying forms in Task Manager, the Form 1.0 version is being shown, even though Form 2.0 is enabled in the application. This is causing the in…Peter Gonter 49 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Stephanie Gianetti-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Form 1.0 vs 2.0 - Different Behavior on Expanding MemberSummary: Expanding first column also expands 2nd column on form 2.0 Content: I have more than one columns on rows and start with members collapsed. Whenever I open form …Vijay Mahantesh-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BalaR-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Member selector in Form 2.0, unlike Form 1.0, does not display member name and aliasSummary: Member selector in Form 2.0, unlike Form 1.0, does not display member name and alias Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When a dimen…
Does Dashboard 2.0 Support Line Item Details Used in Forms 2.0Summary: Does Dashboard 2.0 support line item details used in forms 2.0? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In forms 2.0 there is a line item…
Is there a way to add Action menu items to Actions drop down in Forms 2.0Summary: Users prefer to have menu item in Actions dropdown instead of right click, is it possible to add custom actions to standard "Actions"? Content (please ensure yo…Pranay Dhyani 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Open the approval form directly from the email link in the approval emailWe have a requirement in EPBCS where we are trying to introduce approvals. While testing, we observe that when an approval email is triggered, it just contains the link …
Calc on the Fly BehaviorI have an issue when I create a form 2.0 or ad hoc grid with member formulas I can see that the member formulas are calculating the values and I can see the essbase form…
Need multiple levels of Budget ApprovalsHi Folks, There's a requirement from Client in budget approval process where they want two options for budget approval, one direct approval and sign off (Where you don't…
Scroll bar Menu on Forms 2.0 IssueHello, we did our testing and have encountered issues. I have a screenshot of one issue that we came across. When using laptops for Forms 2.0, the menu doesn't expand so…tadnb 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Opening a form/tasklist directly from the link in Approval flowSummary: Client doesnt want to navigate the tool and should be able to directly be redirected to form/tasklist to approve budget transfers from the link that he/she rece…
Forms 2.0 Calc on the FlySummary: This new functionality is excellent, a big step in the write direction to provide immediate updates to users which is what they are used to from excel. Comments…Steve Hitchman 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shankar - PM Cloud EPM-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
New videos now available for Forms and Dashboards 2.0We are pleased to announce the availability of the following new videos: Introduction to Forms 2.0 in Cloud EPM This overview introduces you to the new features and func…Ron Reiley-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Ron Reiley-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Forms 2.0 - opening forms a lot slower vs forms 1.0 (6-8x slower)Summary: I tested a couple of forms in my FCC application, but opening forms in 2.0 is really slow for me. It takes about 13 seconds to open a form, where in 1.0 it take…Gerrit Haan 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shankar - PM Cloud EPM-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform