IDE integration
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VBS Reporting CapabilityHello, We are considering VBS to create a custom VB app that we will use in conjunction with our existing SaaS SCM and ERP applications. I understand that the VB data wi…
how to connect to OIC integration in VBS Excel pluginI attempted to add the following integration URL as a connection in VBS Excel: /ic/api/integration/v1/flows/rest/CLOUDA_BULK_UNHOLD_INVOIC_INTEGR/1.0/getInvoices?invoice…Shruti Agrawal 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Calling Oracle integration in Visual Builder StudioSummary: Hi, I'm trying to extend the Oracle Fusion page using Visual builder Studio. I need to call integrations in VB Studio. I have added 'Oracle Cloud Applications' …
How to enable App UI SaaS extension form in oracle SaaSSummary: How to enable newly created form in App UI SaaS extension in oracle Fusion application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have cr…
Issues with Oracle BPM Rest API integrationSummary Trying to hit certain GET, PUT and POST API's, but getting a 400 error. Not sure what's wrong.Content I am trying to perform certain BPM operations that are give…Ritwik Nagappa 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
DevCS integration with Design Code Utility of Oracle Commerce CloudSummary How to integrate with node server of local machineContent Hi,Someone integrated by webhook or another method DevCS and that utility of OCC?Thanks in Advance!Matias Buonavolonta 16 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Developer Cloud Services - SVN support - quick questionContent Hi Does OCI Developer Cloud Service support SVN code repository ? Can OCI Developer Cloud Service support SVN code repository ? It appears to support only Git re…
Please take our Dev CS Survey!Summary survey of dev tool usageContent Dev CS has a new product manager (Murtaza Amiji) and he wants to learn more about how you use Dev CS. This is your BIG CHANCE to …Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
The PaaS UX team wants to know which Cloud Dev tools you useSummary survey of dev tool usageContent The Oracle PaaS User Experience team is interested in learning which Oracle Cloud Developer tools you use, what you like and disl…Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 14 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
ADF Application working on local JDeveloper but not when deployed on CloudSummary ADF Application working on local JDeveloper but not when deployed on CloudContent Hi Everyone I have created a simple ADF application, consisting of a taskflow ,…