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New Student Management Idea LabThe Higher Education Development team is proud to announce a new Idea Lab for the Fusion SaaS Student Management product. As we continue to collaborate with our early cu…
Cx- CRM module for Educational Institute or college?Content Hello CX Team, We have a proposal from one of the educational university and they are looking to implement a CRM or CX tool for there university which should hav…
Innovate Student Systems with Chatbots IntraSee & Oracle Webcast November 17th 2020Summary Transform the Student Experience with a Campus ChatbotContent Transform the Student Experience with a Campus Chatbot The full promise of digital assistants can b…Juergen Kress-Oracle 6 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Juergen Kress-Oracle Student Management
Announcing: Student Management 20A and 20B Release Readiness Content PostedSummary Make sure you have reviewed the updated content for Student Management to see what's new in 20A and 20BContent Here are links to Student Management 20A content: …