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Add Question mark on Sign on Bonus Compensation areaSummary: We want to add a note stating what ‘Amount’ means here like a 1 line sentence. How can we achieve this? I tried editing component for that area using page compo…Faizhan Tanvir 15 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Faizhan Tanvir Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Hide Back button in Job Requisition Details pageHi experts, in Job Requisition Details page is there a way to hide the back button for specific roles so to prevent specific users to go back to Job Requisitions list? T…
Restrict custom actions visibility in Job Offer pagesWe need to create custom actions like 'Internal Promotion' and 'Internal Change Assignment' specifically for creating Job Offers for Internal candidates. We want to make…Swetha J Nair 13 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_3IC4Y Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Disability settings for external career sitesSummary: Hello, we are wondering whether there are settings that we can enable to make the external career site more disability friendly. E.g. in the coud, we have scree…Vincent Meyer 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by DarleneM-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Unable to view Hiring Team Notifications on candidate profileSummary: Prior to 24D we were able to view the hiring team notifications (generated with the "Send Message to Team" action) on the candidate's profile level. However, it…Mollyann Hart 13 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mollyann Hart Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Redwood: Opportunity Market place edit the Job info attributes like hide or visibleHello Expert, We need help in Redwood Opportunity Market Place page where in Job Info details business need to hide some of the attribute. But we are not having those in…Nekamdar-Oracle 23 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Akhilesh_Sundriyal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Do we have any SQL to check if a person number is part of Oracle search based on person index ?Summary: Do we have any SQL to check if a person number is part of Oracle search based on person index ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): D…
Want to use the delivered background image on the splash page for the search results pageSummary: We like the default background graphic/picture and would like to use it on our Search Results page .. how can i also make this background the same for my search…Amy Markovitch 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Amy Markovitch Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to disable the Interests Questionnaire in job opportunity Market placeSummary: Hi Folks, We have a requirement to disable the Interests Questionnaire that appears when the employee opens the Opportunity Market Place for the first time. The…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sanjeeva Sarma Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Securing Job Requisition based on the department hierachySummary: Securing Job Requisition based on the department hierachy Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, our requirement is to al…
Reasonable Accommodation Request field text can we add lov and where can we addSummary: Reasonable Accommodation Request field text can we add LOV and where can we add In Job Application flow, under Disability Block Information Content (please ensu…Sreyash.Jaiswal 6 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Sreyash.Jaiswal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
On the Hiring page (redwood page), we have the page title 'BUNDLE_NOT_FOUND'On the Hiring page (redwood page), we have the page title 'BUNDLE_NOT_FOUND' when it should be "Hiring"viiassis 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jessica Reilly-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Not able to filter job applications by EFFSummary: Hi, From Job requisition > job application > Advanced filter > Extra info, we are not able to filter job applications by Text free EFF. As you can see if I fill…Alessandro Nesi 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prabhu Mohan-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Canadian French Job Posting Descriptions Not Populating in RequisitionsSummary Some of our job postings use English and Canadian French translations. In order to see the job posting in French, the user must change their preferred language t…
Redwood - Customize columns option - Job requisition Search pageSummary: We have this question as part of testing done for 24B feature - REDWOOD EXPERIENCE FOR RECRUITING LIST PAGES Customize Columns Icon - When we Hide columns, coul…Aishwarya Sankaran 58 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by RKC Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can anybody please help to identify the major differences between Neogov and Oracle Recruiting CloudSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Zeeshan Ahmed 15 views 1 comment 5 points Most recent by ChelcieN-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Are there any Redwood updates in 23C for ORC ? that are potentially going to be auto enabled ?Summary: are there any Redwood updates in 23C ? that are potentially going to be auto enabled ? Looking forward to check and test if we have to take any action, I see so…Abhilash Desai 706 views 18 comments 2 points Most recent by Ginesh Chalil Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Unexpected error while an internal employee opens a job posting on opportunity marketplace.Summary: Unexpected error while an internal employee opens a job posting on opportunity marketplace. Error shows on screen and fades away and after few seconds again app…Zeeshan Ahmed 65 views 13 comments 5 points Most recent by Abhishek1997 Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Redwood Opportunity Marketplace Interests - Change LOVsSummary: Is it possible to change the fields on the Interests page to show something else such as Departments? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…L20 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Duplicated in OM Category - Redwood page: button Create Order not translated to selected languageSummary: Everything else is translated as per printscreen. Can we modify this button ourselves? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…
Redwood - Can we change label for fields in Refer a candidate pageSummary: We want to update label for “Work Phone” to state something else “Mobile Phone” in Refer a Candidate Page. Can someone help on steps to update in Redwood. Conte…Arpit Dhalawat 52 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Arpit Dhalawat Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Change Other Compensation field nameSummary: We want to change this field called 'Amount' in the Other Compensation section of job offer to 'Total Amount'. I tried using Page Composer but I can't seem to s…Faizhan Tanvir 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Faizhan Tanvir Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to hide job requisition actions for Hiring ManagersSummary: We have a requirement to hide job requisition actions for hiring managers Content (required): How can we hide the following job requisition actions below? I did…Giuseppe Cannova 314 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by bonniegarlin Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Questions about Opportunity MarketPlaceSummary: Is it possible to: - Hide "What types of jobs are you interested in" in Interests (seems not possible with Page composer tool) - Hide button Create (according t…Anne Demoulins 68 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by manojajain Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Redwood - Update Attachment section in Apply Candidate pageSummary: We want to make Attachment section as required in Apply Candidate page in Opportunity marketplace. Also, We want to remove the URL section present. Content (ple…Arpit Dhalawat 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Narasimharao N.Tadi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Redwood :- Actions – Mark as Favorite Updated to Canadian EnglishSummary: Can we update the text or change language for action under Opportunity Marketplace. It is needed to updated to Favourite Content (please ensure you mask any con…Arpit Dhalawat 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Visual Builder migration from one instance to anotherSummary: How to migrate changes using Visual Builder from Test instance to PROD Content (required): Visual Builder is a paid service, and now Oracle is bringing Redwood …Shahnoor Kapdi 744 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Haitham AK Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
add notes to the requisitionSummary: We are looking for a space to add notes in the requisitions that will be captured during hiring manager calls and every recruiter working on that req can refer …RKC 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pete Gutteridge-Paye Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Why are interviewers listed more than once in the Interview Details page?Summary: The same interviewer is being listed multiple times based on their current AND past (inactive) assignments. I know this has to be a Core setting to only display…Dustin Goldman 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Yaswanth_Pappu-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Print functionality is displaying html and not including all text from pre-screening questionsSummary: When using the print functionality in PROD, we are now experiencing that the pre-screening question answer text includes some html code and the entire answer is…Bea Richards-Ceron 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bea Richards-Ceron Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace