Import & Export
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How to schedule load of AR Invoice instead of manual CSV File uploadSummary: How to schedule load of AR Invoice instead of manual CSV File upload Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to aut…Abhishek Sinha 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ranjith-Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Unable to upload "Channel Batch Transaction" with Sales Order Type.Summary: Getting error "The value provided for the attribute Sales Order Type is invalid. (CJM-6135007),Sales Order Type is invalid" when uploaded "ChannelBatchTransacti…Zohiab Khan 01 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Mathew Thomas93 Channel Revenue Management
Is there a way to load claim Investigations in bulkSummary: We have some claim Investigations data in EBS which we need to migrate into Fusion. So instead of doing one by one do we have a way like FBDI, ADFDI, any RestAP…Likith Kumar Reddy 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Likith Kumar Reddy Channel Revenue Management
Big Decimal Data Type ErrorYou must enter a value for the UnitListPrice attribute that matches the java.math.BigDecimal data type. The value entered: 13 . (MKT-285231)(UnitListPrice). While loadi…
Column MappingThe following columns in your import file have not been mapped to the target attributes: BillToCustomerRegistryID How to do the mapping for unmapped columns @Ranjith-Ora…
Unable to find the Object Channel Batch Transaction to choose under Import Management@Ranjith-Oracle Can you help Please
CSV template for supplier annual programSummary: Our customer uses Channel Revenue Management to manage their supplier rebates. For the supplier annual program, we understand users have to upload the invoices …