User Experience: UX
Discussion List
Automatically purge Learning Assignments after a period of timeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Does the system automatically purge Learning Assignments with 'Deleted' status after a period of …
label "Assignment Conflict Rules" is displayed on advanced rules page but nothing is shown below itHello experts, Could you help me to understand why is label "Assignment Conflict Rules" displayed on advanced rules page but nothing is shown below it? Thank you Regards…
Learning admin is not able to see the course createdSummary Learning admin is not able to see the course createdContent Hi, We have 2 Learning Admins. Both have AOR based roles, one learning admin is not able to see the c…
Is it possible create an required assign for "Record external Learning" action?Hi all I using the "Record external Learning" action and the system create a voluntary assign take the liberty an employee to click on withdraw from Learning Item. Is it…
Course Publisher is not updated although the course owner is changed.The course owner has been changed on a course. However, when a learner accesses the "View More Information" data. The original course owner's name appears as the publish…
Learning module takes a long time to loadFollowing the implementation of Redwood in the learning module, we have observed that the loading time for the entire module is generally lengthy, irrespective of the us…
you don't have permission to create or change the learning assignment on the catalog itemSummary: Error received intermittently - you don't have permission to create or change the learning assignment on the catalog item This after enabling the profile option…
How to segregate a DFF basing on user typeHello, Our customer required to segregate a flexfield based on specific User Type. Do you have any suggestion on how to do it? Maybe with page composer? Regards Alessand…
How to delete legacy Learning ItemsSummary: Hello, we have loaded Legacy Learning Items with current date and we need to delete them. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The leg…
Is it possible to send certifications to the employees after they complete the learning courses?Is it possible to send certifications to the employees after they complete the learning courses? How can we set up this feature? Best Regards,
Subject Area: Workforce Learning-Learning Management RealtimeSummary: I got a chance to go through the Oracle readiness 21D which was released by Oracle recently and What I noticed was, they are going to take the "Subject Area: Wo…
Is it possible hide action at the level of course for Leaner?Hi all, is it possible hide action that I show into the following screen for Learner? Thank you, Fabio
Learning assignments views, options and lack there ofSummary: I have 3 separate questions regarding assignments and the Require Learning screen. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When looking a…
Having frequent issues with Global Access Groups in Redwood Learner UXSummary: Hello Experts, We have recently enabled new Learner Redwood UI in our non-Prod instances. We have noticed issues with Global Access Groups - the members of the …
DFF Limit in Redwood Request Non Catalog learning pageSummary: Custom fields (DFF) Limit in Redwood Request Non-Catalog learning page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Please let us know…
Learning Assignments - How to let users perform Change Status actions?Summary: From Learning Assignments page, we would like to let users see and perform all the Change Status options Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Learning assignments - Person number list in "Select Learners"Summary: How we have to use "Person number list" criteria to filter the population Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, When we crea…
Redwood UI - Learning Admin not able to access Non-catalog itemSummary: In the non-Redwood UI, the Learning Administrator can edit the non-catalog item. However, in the Redwood UI, they are facing the issue of accessing the non-cata…
Where can admin see employee uploaded attachment?Summary: I was able to upload an attachment in the learning assignment as an employee, where can the admin see this attachment? I took a look at the learning assignment …
Message "A seat is now available for another offering that you're pending enrollment on"Hello everyone, We have created a required assignment for a learner, but when the learner tries to access the offering, compare the message "A seat is now available for …
Is it possible to make the "Offering Coordinator" field not mandatory?Hi all, Is it possible to make the "Offering Coordinator" field not mandatory on the offer creation page? Thank you Anamaria
is there any way to change or rename the below field in learner redwoodSummary: is there any way to change or rename the below field in learner self service redwood I need to change from Browse to Featured as per client request Content (ple…
Is it possible hide the section "Price" into the course?Hi all, our client need to hide the section "price" at the level of course. Is it possible to do it? Thank you, Fabio
Colour tags under My Team Learning - Overdue and Due within 30 daysSummary: Hello.. just wanted to know if the colour tags in the My Team Learning can be changed. (VBCS or through profiles??) Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
lindkin training are not marked as complete for few employees even after completing the courseSummary: lindkin training are not marked as complete for few employees even after completing the course Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): li…
Assign Learning - How to hide Context Segment field from UI?Summary: We would like to hide the Context Segment field from Assign Learning page but we are not able to do that Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Where can I see number of page views of a community in 24D?Summary: Before 24D when a user clicked on an Official Community from the catalog it would drop down with the description, etc. and included the # of Page Views for the …
Error: we couldn't find this learning, clicking "manage" under skill and qualification.Summary: Hi, after creating a course, clicking on manage under "skill and qualification", this page is shown where it does not allow anything to be added. after release …
Enhanced My Learning Page - Removing Search the CatalogOur organization is heavily regulated and most of our mandatory courses are assigned accordingly based on a learner's position(s) via OTBI Learning Analysis. We do not w…
ORC/Onboarding deeplinks are not working as they are still redirecting to Responsive PagesSummary: While working on ORC module, we have noticed that there are few deeplinks that are meant for Responsive Pages only and not for Redwood. Even the Oracle Digital …RohitPhulsunge-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by RohitPhulsunge-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace