We strive to maintain the integrity and safety of our Oracle Communities. To do this, we use our own tools and practices, and we rely on input from Community members like you.
Our Terms
This Oracle Community Integrity Policy (“CIP”), the Community Guidelines found on our Community sites and the Oracle Terms of Use (including the Privacy Policy) (together, the “Terms”) apply to your use of Oracle Community Services. This CIP describes how we handle the content provided on our Community sites.
Tell Us
If you see any content that you believe is illegal or violates our Terms, please report it to us by using the reporting tool (e.g., the button with the icon labelled “Flag”) located near the content itself. Alternatively, you may contact us using the details set out under the Contact Us section below or by using any other method of communication identified on the specific Community site itself.
If you make a report, you will receive an acknowledgement from Oracle and your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy (and any additional privacy notices which may be provided to you). In some cases, you will receive an outcome report from Oracle, including where required by law.
Oracle Content Moderation
To protect the integrity of the content shared on our Communities, and to ensure compliance with our Terms, we review the content you share on our Communities’ sites. We use automated systems, some of which may rely on Artificial Intelligence, to provide the first input when specific conditions are triggered and support us in our review. Our automated systems screen for unsolicited advertising and abusive content by filtering certain policy-violating content. Automated systems may remove unsolicited advertising.
Our trained content moderators perform the next phase of evaluation and moderation. Our trained content moderators will also analyze any content you choose to report to us. Further information on our practices is available in the relevant Community Guidelines and the Oracle Terms of Use.
Consequences of Violating the Law or Our Terms
If we determine there has been a violation of the law or our Terms, depending on the nature, severity and frequency of the violation, we may decide to take one or more of the following actions, in compliance with the Oracle Terms of Use and the applicable law:
- modify, restrict and/or delete the content in question; and/or
- limit, suspend and/or terminate a user’s account or access; and/or
- issue one or more warnings; and/or
- where another user’s intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, publicity or likeness, or any other rights may have been violated, we may notify them of the relevant details; and/or
- notify a local authority.
We make a commitment to protect the safety of our Communities, the functionality of our services, and to ensure compliance with our Terms and the law. This commitment may require us to take immediate action, limiting our opportunity to provide you with prior notice of our actions. Where we can or are required by law, we will notify you of situations involving your content and our decisions with respect to your content or your report about content, and we will explain the options available to you should you wish to appeal a decision about your content or your account or raise a complaint regarding other content.
Contact Us
If you see something you believe illegal or may violate our Terms, you can submit a report at any time by using the relevant contact details below or by using the method of communication identified on the specific Community site itself.
Cloud Customer Connect :
Developers :
My Oracle Support :
NetSuite Support :
General inquiries:
Appeals and Complaints:
Oracle Analytics :
Oracle Life Science :
Oracle University :
Oracle Partners :
Oracle Retail :
Oracle Health :
Oracle Hospitality :
When you report content as violating our Terms, you should be specific and provide supporting evidence to allow us to make an informed decision. If the report is incomplete or does not contain enough information for us to clearly assess whether the content violates our Terms, we will reject the report and notify you of our decision.
Local Authorities Wishing to Contact Us
Please fill out this form for reaching us, making sure that your request satisfies and effectively handles any applicable legal obligations. This enables us to handle your query effectively and legally.
How to Complain or Raise an Appeal
By filling out this form, you can file a complaint about other content or contest a decision about your content or account if you want to challenge an Oracle decision or action. You will receive written acknowledgement of your objection and Oracle will review your request accordingly. The complexity and content of the request will determine, among other things, whether input is required from other stakeholders and how long we may need to respond.
Where there is any conflict between the documents that make up our Terms, the Community Guidelines will take priority, followed by this CIP and finally the Oracle Terms of Use.