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In this edition of: DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD DO THIS IN C1?

In RTSM, Label Groups give you the flexibility of creating labels or packaging requirements for different parts of the world. This is only needed if your study requires specific shipping or packaging requirements. If we want to use Label Groups for Shipping, we need to ensure that the “Require” option for Label Groups in Supply Settings is toggled on.
To do that:
Log into Clinical One, click on the study settings cog wheel, open settings, navigate to the supply settings tab then choose either Production, Testing, or Training settings. The Label Groups required button, is under Shipment Settings.
You want to make sure it says “yes” to require the usage of the labels. This ensures that the correct label group language is used for each country. Click Apply Changes.
If you select “no” the shipment group will ship in the default language which is English.