utl_smtp.starttls gets "ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure" when attempting to send email
My platform: Oracle Enterprise Ed. on RHEL 7. No RAC, no ASM, no PDB
The mail service I use is smtp.mailgun.org
The test script I use is similar to the one in "Basics on How to use UTL_SMTP (Doc ID 106513.1)".
Sending email using that script is successful ?
Next step: Use TLS for encryption. I have,
1. Extracted ssl certificate using,
openssl s_client -host smtp.mailgun.org -port 587 -prexit -showcerts -crlf -starttls smtp
2. Created Oracle wallet and added the certificate into the wallet.
3. Changed the script in 106513.1;
(a) added wallet path and password to objConnection := utl_smtp.open_connection