Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
I am getting FieldTypeSpecified false for all CustomRecordType CustomFields in WSDL 2022_1_0
I am migrating code from an integration that was using Suit Talk SOAP with WSDL 2017_1_0.
In the old code I do a Get request for a RecRef of RecordType.customRecordType and the Internal ID of the custom record type.
In the resulting record I looped through the customFieldList.customField entries and was able to get the ScriptID and the FieldType.
In the new code which is based on the old code I do the same thing. However, since the newer WSDL version 2022_1_0 does not provide the ScriptID I had to do an additional call to getCustomizationIdAsync to get a list of the fields which I could then use as a lookup for the correct ScriptID. While this is not very elegant it did give me the ScriptID. However, I now see that the custom fields also don't include the FieldType.