My Stuff
Sorry, I certainly mean the opposite - this behavoir is NOT nice from intergrity viewpoint. This is why fixing role ID would be useful.
I mean - get a list of roles, available for the user via WS. And find out which one is default.
Well, I do observe this behavior and I doubt that a problem is in a client I'm using... My environment is C++, gSOAP 2.7.6e and WSDL 1.3.2. I can supply a client that demonstrates erroneous behavior or logs of comunication between this client and NetSuite. Client performs only one operation - login. While correct case…
Thank you. Could you, please, tell a correct length restriction on this field?
Terry, I also tried to login with NetSuite for Outlook add-in with email in lowcase. It failed. So it looks like an issue - with our account or maybe in general.
Terry,yes, we need a blank account and a few logins. Could you help to get it? Many thanks in advance
I think that dateCreated should not be needed. lastModifiedDate is the same as dateCreated when object is added (but this is conclusion only from my observations) and in update and updateList I do not really need dateCreated value - I already know it and it could not be changed later... Also, it would be good to add…
I know that update result supposed to be simple, but I doubt that one additional value would make it excessively large, also this would enable, relatively reliable synchronization scheme to be implemented. I know that lastModifiedDate is not settable - that is the point. It allows later to make sure that object I'm…
I suppose you just should change object you supply as an argument to add method of the service object.
It was created yesterday. Maybe I'm missing something, but, in any case, how could it be that existing object have creation time later than one I've just created? How it depends on granularity? How can I see this issues?
Note that I wrote about lastModifiedDate field, and not about dateCreated field. Lets make sure I'm thinking in the right way. If I'm creating a new object it's dateCreated field is filled with current time, trancated according to its granularity (I don't know what is the granularity of dateCreated), and lastModifiedDate…
It is not very far in future, here is a log of a simple client that performs login, search on contacts and logout: (it would be easier if post attachments would be turned on...). Here is part for contact with internalId 175 (I don't know who created this contact nor who…
Thanks, Terry! Users may find this functionality may be really usefull in future. But we also plan to include this nice feature for the second edition of our product, so it's in pipilines now
Lower case "i" and uppercase "I" is what I'm talking about. Not my client, by XML and XML Scheme are case sensitive and name that differ only in case are actualy different names. And this fact is used in NetSuite WSDL description. So, it appears that one reply contain element and other reply contain type as content of its…