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this.login(true); _out.writeLn("Netsuite Execute Custom Saved Search via SOAP API"); //_out.writeLn("Enter SavedSearchScriptID to execute...(hard coded ATM!)"); string s; //= _out.readLn(); s = "customsearch_apcintegration"; _out.writeLn("You entered: " + s); TransactionSearchAdvanced TSA = new TransactionSearchAdvanced();…
Yes, but depending on your contract, if you're only allowed one connection, then your threads will share the same session, basically defeating the purpose of multithread since only one can be connected at a time. If you have multiple licenses, then you can have separate threads, each runnings its own session and doing its…
I think it's Open Data Base Connectivity...Unless it *was* a joke :)
I'm doing in-house and external projects in NetSuite, and I too wonder if paying more gets you any better support...
Hi Brett Does the Employee Center role have access to the Record Type you are basing the Reminder on? Pete.
Hi Bushra I know this is years old, but I've just been asked the same question myself - did you ever get an answer to this? Thanks!
Hi John Did you manage to sort this?
...Or you could use IIS on the server, and use a direct http link instead... ...but yes this would mean it is read-only.
Hi Alannes Is it because the Custom Centre Tabs have the Centre specified as "All"?
Hi Marty I am coming across this right now. Did you manage to resolve this? Thanks!
Just as a bit of advice I would suggest getting the lineItemCount before the For Loop, and check the value before it enters. var lineItemCount = nlapiGetLineItemCount(....) if(lineItemCount >= 1) { for (var i = 1; i <= lineItemCount; i++) { // .... } } else { alert('No lineItems'); }
- can do this with some HTML "hacking"...but use it at your own risk. I would create a Client Script, with an OnLoad function. This function would use the getElementById() and get the HTML Element based on the ID of the Expenses subtab link ID (Use Chrome's development tools to do this). Then, use the HTML Element…
To extend on Felix's excellent guidance, if you do go via the Line Item route, and wish to link the Journal to the Record (Best practice!), then you will need a Transaction Column Field as opposed to a Transaction Body Field (For a one-to-one relationship between Invoice and Journal)
BeforeLoad UserEvent which gets the value of an Integer field in a Custom Record Type, increments it, then puts the new value back in...
Thank you bcpvps for this. I am sure I can take advantage of this at some point in the future!
Hi Ash404 I am imagining the post sourcing is overriding your code. Put in an alert box at every iteration to see if the Client has time to catch up. If it does, then it's the sourcing taking too long. Let me know how it goes!
My map won't display however I try could I have a copy of your code please?
I found this very function today also! Thanks for clearing this up!
Hi AGMNS What you may need to do is have a User Event Script which runs After Submit, and then run that script as Admin.
Hi Evan Thanks for this! I'll look in to it now :)
re the function: function intVal(v){ return parseInt(v,10) ||0;} and then intVal(nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'quantityavailable', i)); <snip> That's really handy! Thank you! :D
Some additional findings (which mirror my issue in the above post): [LIST]When the display type of the transaction column field is "hidden", the field is not available on the expenses sublist through SuiteScript.[/LIST] [LIST]When the display type is set to "disabled" the field is hidden as well, but in that case it is not…
Hi all I would suggest it's not running out of Units, but more it's running out of Search Results to delete... It seems when it gets to the last few results in the search, it has approx 5900 units remaining, so rescheduling it re-executes the Search, and thus has another 1000 results to delete. Does this sound plausible?
Sadly it seems that even when you set the permissions to "None", the link still remains - it just errors stating you need a higher permission for XXXXXX.
I would split it in to 2 Imports - one where there is numeric data, and another where you're defaulting the field to "NULL"
Try putting 2/28/2012 and see if that'll work...
Hi Luis Try {available} It may or may not work, but worth a shot!
Something else to take in to consideration - You would have to be careful with regards to the Main Line criteria. You would have the name in the Line Item in a Journal whereas in an Invoice the Employee would be in the Main Line. Would you not be better off doing a System Notes Search for "Create" and the Employee is XXX?
Hi Aiman Try 'transaction' as your search record type. Also, your Search Filters only has 1 array element. The second one is overwriting the first. Try putting in [1] in the second line. You may also find that searching Transactions will bring back all, so you will need a type=invoice in your filters. I hope this helps!
Hi John If you comment out this line: nlapiSetFieldText('probability','60%'); Does it still come up with the error?