My Stuff



  • Thanks buddy! The list is displaying perfectly on the screen now :) Regards, Mandar
  • Hi Steve, I was looking for some information on customized login page. I am sure this is an important requirement for companies. Can you please share the information you have on this so far? I will try this for our account and see if we have the same result. Thanks, Mandar
  • Hi Steve, I could login successfully using a simple form. A normal post form with email and password fields. Was much simple, to begin with I thought it would little less then rocket science. Regards, Mandar
  • Andy - No way yet to customize the first screen. However as per my previous note, we have created a tab under which we have placed the links to different forms. Customers are trained to use this tab and click on the link to the appropriate support form.
  • Ray, thanks for the information. But, I think this is a very obvious thing that should have been in place. We are in a difficult situation now as it seems there is no way of hiding partners from one location to other. This is a disaster. I have posted a case with Netsuite (# 590218) and also spoke to cust. support. They…
  • Hi Andy, One way of doing it would be to create a new website tab and display it in the customer center. This tab would host the links to the reports you want the customers to see. Place the report URL as the destination of the link. This will only work for reports on records which the customers have rights to access e.g.…
  • Andy - What reports do you want the customers to see? You can customize the views to the reports the customers have access to. Make these views default for the customer role. You cannot give access to any reporting which the role does not have permission for. Partner center is not designed for customers. As far as I know,…