My Stuff
I did, but it gives me several problems. It shows multiple lines (10-15) for each project and it only gives the transaction total, not the payment amount. I think this is because we use the Customer record as the primary on a transaction. We do this because we found that we couldn't assignment payments and deposits to a…
I did manage to build it in the Customer record. But then my accounting department asked for data from project tasks as well - which I can't draw into that search. It would be ideal to be able to see all of the info on one search. Also, let me be clear that the project record is tied to each transaction, it's just not the…
Good catch! That got rid of the syntax error, but produced a search with no results. I think it is because the search is looking for a single project task named BOTH "rebate in review" AND "collect 2nd payment" instead of two different project tasks.
Okay - here's what I tried: CASE WHEN {title} = ('Rebate in Review') AND {status} = ('Completed') AND {title} = ('Collect 2nd Payment') AND {status} = ('Not Started") then 1 else 0 end I tested the individual components and they work. As does: CASE WHEN {title} = ('Rebate in Review') AND {status} = ('Completed') then 1…
I have tried using both a project search and a project task search. I do not group by anything as it wouldn't show both of the pieces of information we need.
I've tried that, but if you use an "and" expression between the "name is task a" and "name is task b" you will get nothing in the results as it will be looking for both of those criteria to be satisfied by the same record.
I'm not getting frustrated with you, just with Netsuite's limitations. Each project has a Task A and Task B, I want to run a saved search that shows: Project 1 Task A Completed Project 1 Task B Not Completed Project 2 Task A Completed Project 2 Task B Not Completed Project 7 Task A Completed Project 7 Task B Not Completed…
That would be what I'd want it to do, if Netsuite search expressions worked that way. As it stands, if I put in the Netsuite search criteria: ((Task Name is Task A AND Status is Completed) AND (Task Name is Task B AND Status is Not Completed)) NOT ((Task Name is Task A AND Status is Not Completed) AND (Task Name is Task B…
Thanks Evan, I will!
To make my request a little clearer: Task A = incomplete AND Task B = incomplete DO NOT SHOW Task A = complete AND Task B = incomplete SHOW Task A = complete AND Task B = complete DO NOT SHOW
Do I put the formula in the criteria, results, or filter section? And how do I compare the results to 2? I do only have one A and one B per project.
Yes. The criteria I use is: ((Task Name is A AND Status is Complete) OR (Task Name is B AND Status is Not Started)) But I want to ONLY show the pairs where Task A is Complete and Task B is Not Started. I don't want to show if Task A is Complete and Task B is Complete or Task A is Not Started and Task B is Not Started. How…
What are the steps I would take to do that?
Thank you so much! I knew it would be something simple, but I really didn't know where to start. Any ideas on how to EXCLUDE an entire string with expressions from the results? I know you can check the "Not" box to exclude a certain row, but it doesn't work for the whole string. I.e., I want to exclude: ((Task Name is A…
I tried that and it only excluded the first row, despite the parentheses.
The problem with that solution is that I do not want to exclude all Task A and Task B tasks, I want to exclude all situations where both Task A and Task B are completed, but if Task A is completed and Task B is incomplete, I want to show them.
We need something very similar in that we need to change "default shipping address" to "installation address" since we don't do any shipping. Right now we use the label field to accomplish this, but it's not ideal. Netsuite is so heavily tuned towards e-commerce that it's very difficult to make it work for any other…
For project tasks, you can assign predecessor tasks which are tasks that proceed the current task and make that task dependent on their timelines (but not on their status, which is the issue). For example: Task A is scheduled to last from 6/13 - 6/17 Task B cannot start until Task A is completed You assign Task A as the…
I had another idea on this. What about scripting in a column in the Predecessors sublist in the Project Task form for status? Then, I would assume, you could do a saved search based on this column? I would think this might be simpler than scripting a join...?
Thank you for all of your help! We've decided to start using SOs (calling them Parts Lists) and that seems to (in theory) be the solution. We'll see once we get everyone trained and put it into practice.
We have an in-house accountant and would also like her to be able to view and handle the 1099s. Another from NS have the steps to give this permission? And why wouldn't it be included in the accountant role to begin with?
Thank you! That indeed worked. I suppose it's a case where you look at something so long that the logical solution is too obvious and you can't see it...
Thanks very much! I guess I assumed it would be located under "Financial" or "General" - I didn't even think to look under "Sales"
Thank you! That fixed the problem. I knew it would be something simple - I just couldn't figure out what.
I created a customer record that lists the projects, but the payment is not showing up under the transactions tab on the project. Any other ideas?
Would that work associating it to a project as the project record is not strictly a child record of a customer?
I'm looking for a similar enhancement which would show the payments received in both the customer record and the project record. As of now, they only show in the customer record. Is there a work around?
Would the payment then show up under transactions on the project record? That's really what we're looking for.
Could this possibly be accomplished by doing a system notes search or a customer search including system notes fields? The system notes will record who actually created the customer as well as when and to whom it was transferred. I don't know if this will work, but it's all I can come up with unless you create a customer…
I hadn't even considered that as a possibility. That is excellent. I'll have to speak to my purchasing manager about adding kW as a unit of measure and see what he says. We don't use Netsuite's commission module as our commission structure is very odd and confusing. We have a macro-heavy spreadsheet we use as a proposal…