My Stuff
Ken - If the DKIM is domain A, but the Campaign is domain B, won't that result in higher bounce rates because the DKIM domain doesn't match the Campaign domain?
Sorry, I should have mentioned. I am familiar with how to use summary fields. I need to write this in a Formula (numeric) field so that I can do summary calculations. E.g. I need to sum the total of a custom field and divide it by the sum of another custom field for each employee to display a total ratio column.
How can I add Group By criteria to the formula? The search includes 10 employees. I would need to display a different value for each employee. Total sales value Group By employee / Total sales count Group By employee
So, would it look like this: nlapiDateToString(nlapiAddDays(new Date(nlapiGetFieldValue('custentity_online_date')),365)) Can I insert this in the Formula field within the Parameters for Create Record in the Workflow Manager?
It looks like there is an extra "(" at the beginning of the formula. Or am I missing something. I am unable to get this formula to work as a criteria. Hi rosses, Can you try this? adjust "partition by {custentity_cusrec} order by {custentity_cusrec.internalid} desc" to reach what you need.
Is there a way to inline edit custom Task fields? I can inline edit custom field A on an Event search, but I cannot edit custom field A on the Task search.
I used this formula successfully in the results of a Phone Call search to display a 1 or a 0. Case When dense_rank() over (partition by {} order by {internalid} ASC) = 1 Then 1 Else 0 End However, I could not do either of the following, which seems strange. 1) Display Sum the results of this formula…
Is there an update on this? I am trying to update the credit card information on a memorized cash sale through webservices, but getting the error
How can I insert a Customer First Name dynamic field in the HTML Transaction template?
I just tested CSV importing vendor bills with expenses (no items) in Sandbox and it worked. To do this I used "Multiple Files to Upload": 1) Primary file had all the required Item fields with no values and had an External ID for each transaction record (plus fields for date, period, vendor, terms and liability account) 2)…
Thank you for your reply. What if my transactions are not assigned locations? Can I create a custom P&L and Balance Sheet report that only shows certain accounts that I specifically manually select? Situation: I have two office. The offices have their own accounts with no overlap (i.e. a balance of $100 in the Accounts…
Thank you! I will let you know how it goes.
How often do scheduled workflow initiations run? Do all of my workflow initiations all run at the exact same time? e.g. If workflow A is set to run on schedule and it initiate at 9am, 9:30am, 10am, etc... Will workflow B also initiate at 9am, 9:30am, 10am, etc...? Or is the 30 minute increment that NetSuite talks about in…
The smallest increment for delay allowed is 1 hour.
Unfortunately, 30 minutes is too long. I need to know the moment that an Opportunity is 5 minutes old. I have a 5 minute delay for the following reason: A lead submits a web form. That creates an opportunity. My sales reps have 5 minutes to claim the opportunity by affixing their sales rep name to the record. If they do…
Thank you. How can I prevent the Pick ticket from displaying the Kit? I only want to display the Member Items. Is that possible?
By chance is the order partially fulfilled? If you force the pick ticket to print, does it print every line? Yes, the Order is partially fulfilled. However, the new pick ticket prints all lines again.
I like that solution. How do I change what is considered in On Hand to exclude the Quantity Packed of the Fulfillments that have status "Packed"? Ideally I would see on this report: -- On Hand = to the amount that is in our inventory on the balance sheet -- Packed = to the quantity that has been packed but not shipped
We are experiencing this error when we try through web services to save updated credit card information to the memorized cash sale.
I would also like to remove the "Message" field from the email.
Yes :) <%=to_char({customer.custentity_ats_sched_time},'fmHH:MIam')%> <%=to_char({customer.custentity_ats_scheduled},'MM/DD/YYYY')%>;
I tested both suggestions. Here is what was displayed in the email that I received: to_char(2011-12-01 16:00:00,'fmHH:MIam') to_char(2013-04-27 00:00:00,'fmMM/fmDD/YYYY') Note: I am using a workflow, "Send Email" action, using the Custom Content to create the email.
It worked! I did not need to add any formatting. They formatted with just {custbody39}, which returned = 12/21/2011. Field type = Date Thank you!
A mass update triggers the Transaction workflow to fire
The Sales Order is created before the customer custom field value is set. Then the field value is set without the sales order being updated. Will the new field that you suggest source the field value from the customer record without any actions on the Sales Order to initiate the sourcing? The two customer custom field…
<%=to_char({xxx},'fmHH:MIam')%> <%=to_char({xxx},'fmMM/fmDD/YYYY')%> Result ERROR: Invalid Expression ERROR: Invalid Expression Did I enter something incorrectly?
Any update on this? I want reps that are not logged-in to NS to be skipped on the Round Robin
I tried to disable the end time, but on the Calendar it still shows as a 1 hour scheduled phone call. Is there anyway to disable this? If I were to use a Task, would that enable me to not have an End Time? The issue: My sales reps need to set reminders to call customers back. They may have 10 calls in the morning that all…
That idea makes sense. Do you have a script that I can use for this?
The workflow is deployed on the Sales Order. Is there an Action Script that I can write to return the Item Rate to the Workflow? E.g. a Script that would lookup in the search for all results that have Account = X and Sales Order = the order that the workflow is deployed on and return the sum of all Item Rates?