My Stuff
If you use Google Apps, I would recommend looking into the Google API's. They have a calendar API that you could use to send the invite through your Google Calendar using SuiteScript. This would allow you to send the invite inside NetSuite just like you would within Google Calendar (send to outside people as well).
You will want to put this in a beforeSubmit user event script and have it run when type=='create'. See below for a quick example that should get you going on what you need: function beforeSubmit(type){ if (type == 'create') { for (var i = 1; i <= nlapiGetLineItemCount('item'); i++) { nlapiSetLineItemValue('item',…
I believe you can only edit the field values initially in a pageInit client-side script. Otherwise, you will need to clear the values in a beforeSubmit on create. Keep in mind if you want the values empties out client-side, the fields must be available to the user. I could be wrong, but I have never been able to do it…
To run a client script in view mode, you need to set the clientScriptFieldId of the form in the beforeLoad function. I tried this in one of my custom record and it works. <span style="font-family:'courier new'">function beforeLoad(scriptContext) { if (scriptContext.type == scriptContext.UserEventType.VIEW){…
I'm not sure if there is a formula to that reply to email address or how it works to be honest. You may need to ask NetSuite about that one. However, there are probably a few other ways you could accomplish this. Some ideas: 1) Have a button on the record that says like "Attach Email", which opens up a Suitelet that you…
What types of things are you looking to edit on the event? If it is only a handful of things you would change (date, attendees, notes, whatever...), what if you put a button on the event that links to a suitelet that will allow you to update a set of defined fields. The suitelet can execute as Admin so it should work. You…
Why are you doing "Starts With" '' as opposed to "Is Empty"? If you change it to what it should be, "Is Empty", I don't see why your search wouldn't run inside the script. Also, I do not 100% agree with david.smith that you should "NEVER" call a saved search from within a script. I can think of plenty of reasons why it…
Try: SUM({binonhand.quantityonhand}) > MAX({somecustomitemfield})
Do Formula (Text): {email} Instead of choosing Email in the dropdown.
Below will add 10 hours to the date which should be exactly what you want. Formula (Date): {datecreated} + 10/24 Also, to answer the question you asked, you could get the hours by using to_char and to_number to then do some arithmetic on it. For example: to_number(to_char({datecreated}, 'HH24'))
Below should do the trick: to_date('05012015', 'MMDDYYYY') - {startdate} -Errol
Just to be sure.. you are not including the "=" in the formula, correct? Also, are you doing "Formula (Numeric)"? Also, try {trandate} - {today} just as a test to be sure there are no other issues. To answer your other question, no I have not had any issues with formulas in searches with the new release.
Glad I could help!:)
I may not fully understand your request. However wouldn't you be able to just do a search with your results summarized like this: Company (Group) Formula Date (MIN): CASE WHEN {status} = 'Scheduled' THEN {date} ELSE NULL END I am guessing on these field ID's, this is just more for a concept. Is this what you are looking…
So you are looking to only show orders that ALL items do NOT begin with 'TR'? If so, I would probably use COUNT, but make sure you use DISTINCT and as opposed to doing 1 or 0, do internalid. Example: Formula (Numeric): Summary Type: MAX DECODE(COUNT(DISTINCT {line}), COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN {item} LIKE 'TR%' THEN {line}…
TyRxIT, Are you using 'Formula (Text)'? I believe using 'Formula (Date)' would give you invalid expression. -Errol
What type of field is {custbody_custid}? Sometimes it wants single quotes around the values. Try below: CASE WHEN customer.datecreated} > to_date('1/1/2011','MM/DD/YYYY') AND {trandate}-{custbody_item_no.custitem_origpncreatedate} < 270 AND {custbody_custid} IN ('39','44','48','58','63','64','66','67','77','122','218')…
If it is of type List/Record, maybe try {} =ANY('39','44','48','58','63','64','66','67','77','122 ','218') Notice I added the '.id' at the end of the field id. It may just be a matter of messing around with the different syntax but this should definitely work. There should not be a limit on the number of…
Since it is the number of calls that is inflating the number, have you tried dividing the chart pulls by the count of calls? For example: Name (Group) Formula (Numeric) (Maximum): SUM({contact.custentity_chart_pulls_this_month})/DECODE(COUNT({call.internalid}), 0, 1, COUNT({call.internalid})) Call : Date Completed…
Hmm... What if you do a distinct count then? Like the formula below. That may get you to where you need? I have done something like this similar in the past and it worked, so it may just be a matter of tweaking it. Unless someone else has a better way. SUM({contact.custentity_chart_pulls_this_month})/DECODE(COUNT(DISTINCT…
I don't believe you can combine the summary criteria and non summary criteria the way you are... maybe try something like this: max(case when {call.status} = 'Completed' THEN {call.title} END) keep(dense_rank last order by (case when {call.status} = 'Completed' then {call.startdate} end) NULLS FIRST) Also, 'COMPLETE' vs…
Hi andy, I THINK I know what you are asking here, but not quite sure. In searches (with grouping), you are able to use the summary functions for math. For example you could do the following in a results field (and then even use that in your criteria): MAX({employee.daysoff}) - SUM({days_off_in_calendar}) Using MAX on a…
Ya.. that is a problem with related records... however I have found ways around this in the past by modifying the formula to be something like this: MAX({employee.daysoff}) - (SUM({days_off_in_calendar}) / GREATEST(1, COUNT(DISTINCT {usernotes.internalid}))) Obviously you may need to tweak depending on the results and…
Have you tried: CASE WHEN {} = 1773 then {amount} else 0 END OR as JayJ suggested, using DECODE: DECODE({}, 1773, {amount}, 0) Adding the '.id' at the end of the fieldID will return the internal ID for the item as opposed to just the item name (which is what it's probably returning now), so it will never…
Also if it is just that you want to compare 2 fields to each other to make a dynamic filter, you could try this (again, I am not sure on the details of what you are trying to do, so I apologize if I am a bit off): Search Filter in NS search of type Formula Numeric and having the formula look something like this: -----…
Hi lpreuss, I am not entirely sure on your configuration (the way your records are setup and the relationships to each other), but if I understand correctly you have: customrecord_a: custrecord_field_a customrecord_b: custrecord_field_b (list/record - customrecord_a) customrecord_c: custrecord_field_c To run a search on…
Hi Jnaks, Usually a good way to do what you are looking for is to use the {today} timestamp in your formula. I'm sure there are other ways, including more permanent ways by creating fields for these timestamps, but below is an example that may get you going in the right direction. I'm sure you will need to do further…
Hi mkns, Sorry about that, I did not see in your post that it was only client-side scripts you could not get this to work in. I checked and I do not use it in any client scripts. I just tried testing and using it in a client script and got the same error you did, so it looks like you are correct, it cannot be used. You may…
I haven't had any problems using it since Evan pointed out its existence in this thread. Are you using it like below: var filters = new Array(); filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('somefield', null, 'is', 'something').setOr(true); filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('somefield', null, 'is',…
Hi, I would use OR expression for a text field using "contains" (store display name field contains "Arabic" OR "English") Is there any workaround to do this through suitescript? For this particula example, you could do something like this: var arrSearchFilters = new Array(); arrSearchFilters[0] = new…