My Stuff
Hello, We have received word that the fix for Defect 240893 has already been released. I have tried it on my account and I am now not getting the error code = 102 message. You may want to try this out on your end with the CyberSource Data Validation turned on to verify if there are still issues here.
Systems issues now appear to be resolved. Our engineers are still working on understanding the root cause. Please check if you are now able to log in NetSuite. We will updating with more details on this.
Hello Customers, We are again experiencing issues on our phone system. Please file a case online via SuiteAnswers for any questions/issues you have so we can assist you as soon as possible. Please accept our apologize for any inconvenience.
Hello Customer, Our phone system is now operational. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused during this outage. Thank you.
Please try this: CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + (12 * (TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY'))) = 1 then {amount} else 0 end Please check the parentheses if an error comes out instead. You can also try this: CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS({trandate}, -1), 'MM/YYYY') =…
You can use something like this: CASE WHEN {fieldname} LIKE '%electronic%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Make sure to include the "%" symbol to denote wildcards. In this case, the search and look for electronic at the start, in between and at the end of the description. If you only want to look at the start, use 'electronic%' instead.…
The Applied To information can only be found on the item lines, hence in saved search terms, Main Line = false. Unfortunately, standard transaction sublists only have the option of displaying main line information. It's possible to have a custom sublist added which should display the contents of the saved search with the…
You can probably get the count of all kit/assembly components and limit the results to show only the sum of 2 for all counts, which would mean these would be the kits/assemblies with only items 1 and 2.
There is a Sort By field on the Results tab where you can select Formula fields. Although if you use multiple formula field types, the sort will be based on the top-most formula field in the Results tab. For example, you have Formula (Currency)1 and Formula (Currency)2 and you want to sort by Formula (Currency)2. You need…
You need to use the "Transaction Fields..." entries on the saved search to display the transactions under that customer. You can also filter out the transaction types to be limited only to open invoices and sales orders. After you get the information, sum the values and it should give you the current value you have and…
You can use use a link for the Default Customer list view. This should give you the customer list with the Default View status. Here is a link I have on my test account which should work:…
The problem with that is that it will still consider the other location in the formula you provided. Let's say you have two locations, RA and New. Since your formula only considers adding a value for {locationquantityavailable} when the location is RA, then the location for New will have a blank value for…
Hi Jean, I tried this with the assumption that I will convert any value for NA to NULL, and then using the average. When I did this, it simply got the values for the non-null values and averaged them. I'm not sure if that is what you've already tried here, but you can try it out using this formula: Field: Formula (Numeric)…
There is the Run Unrestricted option where you can set the Max Results value. So if you want the last 20 results, you can simply set the sorting to descending order and then set the Max Results value to 20. Would that work for you?
I think it will work on that because it is now assuming {costestimate} is a text field. However, it may be different when using CASE WHEN or DECODE as the THEN and ELSE values need to have the same field type. Anyway, I'm glad the formula worked for you. I shall inform my colleague who assisted you via the case that the…
I think the problem is by using concat to combine a number and a text value, which could not work based on my tests. What I did was to convert the number to a text value and it works. Use this formula instead: DECODE({item.type},'Inventory Item', to_char({costestimate}, '9999.99'), 'Kit/Package',…
I just tried this out, and I am getting an error when trying to use a CASE WHEN statement that will result in a summary function such as count({line}) or sum({amount}). Based on that, I think the formula you need will have to be comprised of two formula fields and assign the summary function as Evan said. Said formula will…
I'm just wondering on this. When you sort the results according to item name, is the number of transactions for that specific item? I tried testing this on my end, but just using display name in place of alternate name because I do not have the custom field yet. However, I'm unable to reproduce the same issue. I do have…
You will have to use the Summary Criteria for this: Here is what I did: Summary Type: Maximum Field: Formula (Numeric) Description: is 1 Formula: case when sum({first formula}) = count({second formula}) then 1 else 0 end The formula compares both the column values and if they are a match, it will return a value of 1. Let…
@Mike, I used the formula provided in the context that I am grouping everything in the results. If we did not group every thing, you will see the quantity for every transaction on that item; by grouping them, we are essentially getting the total quantities sold for that item, as what you wanted. The Max function was used…
@elie So the field you're using is based on total sales per category as a percentage of the total overall sales for that customer? Did I get that right? I think it is possible, but you will need to use a formula to get the field value you have instead of using the Function % of Total. Once you have that, you should be able…
Hi Mike, The formula works on my end and I am using an Item Saved Search with a criteria set to PO transaction types. Try setting the search to the bare minimum in filters and let me know.
Hi Mike, I'm assuming you would like to get a formula field with a summary type that shows the actual quantity available over the total transaction quantity for that item. You can use this formula field for that: Field: Formula (Percent) Summary Type: Sum Function: Round to Hundredths Formula:…
What type of saved search is this? Please provide details on the Results tab of the saved search.
The case when formula provided is actually correct. I tried using this: case when {isdropshipitem} = 'T' then 1 else 0 end The formula yields 1 if it is a drop-ship item, and 0 if it is not. If I tick off the drop-ship checkbox, the formula shows 0 this time.
Have you used the Created From field when customizing the view?
We have already reported the type of feature you are requesting under Enhancement 200242 - "Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment > user is requesting this preference to be available on a per customer basis." You can place a vote to get it implemented in a later version of NetSuite.
This is filed as Enhancement 41956: Consolidated Billing> Create single invoice from multiple sales orders. You can submit a vote on this so that the feature can be released at the soonest possible time.
As Jane said, when you're done with all fulfillments, just go to the sales order and click on the Bill button to bill everything. If you want to bill everything before even completing the shipment, you need to activate the Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment option under Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences under the…
You can actually void a customer payment. You will need to have the Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals option unmarked in Accounting Preferences (Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences) and you should be able to see the Void button in the payment record in Edit Mode. My suggestion would be to void the payment…