My Stuff
Thanks everyone. We are looking for historical sales reporting only. It could be that for our 30 core SKUS we would want to enter a monthly record that included each SKU with total qty and dollars for that month. So we envision 12 records per year, each with 30 lines to capture the history. We would manually create these…
Thanks Barry. I was considering performing a single inventory adjustment to account for the cash sales. Does it make the most sense to use the average cost for each product on the adjustment so as to not skew COGS?
We have encountered a similar limitation. We offer free ground shipping, but if someone uses a coupon code to get a discount we want to eliminate the default free shipping (unless the coupon code has a free shipping method configured). Basically we offer free shipping on full MSRP, but if someone has a code for 40% off,…
One more question- will any eComm features in the 2012 release 1 make this easier? Looks like there is a one-page checkout upgrade but I don't see details if this is aimed at external sites, or sites built on the NS platform.
Did you ever find a solution to this? We experience the same issue. The "Actual Ship/Receipt Date" matches the date the item fulfillment was created, even though it isn't necessarily marked as shipped on that date. We sort our sales orders to bill by the actual ship date and would like to find a way to make this accurate.
Thanks. I'll test this and see how it works for us. I'm wondering how this will effect our ability to report on future inventory levels based on pending sales orders and pending POs?
Thanks. After another discussion I've found out that our problem is we accrue PTO based on hire date, not calendar year. Can the accrual calculations handle this? If so, how?
THis post is from 2008, but in 2013 we are having the exact same issue. Does anyone know if there was a resolution to this issue?