My Stuff
NetSuite All Hands Meeting
On Thursday, February 13 at 12PM to 2PM EST. Oracle-NetSuite Support will be holding an All Hands Meeting. We will be able to assist with Emergency cases and calls during this time. All other cases will be responded to upon our return. Thank you
On Thursday, February 13 at 12PM to 2PM EST. Oracle-NetSuite Support will be holding an All Hands Meeting. We will be able to assist with Emergency cases and calls during this time. All other cases will be responded to upon our return. Thank you
Found the solution (always seems to happen after I've posted the question). For anyone else interested, here's an example. For a transaction journal. function journalLineRemoved(type) { // check the type of sublist is of type 'line' if (type == 'line') { // this is the sublist line number var num =…
Indeed, this is something we came up again and is particularly frustrating when working in a multi-developer environment. I'm afraid for now you are going to have to implement your own version control system outside of NetSuite for this.
Ah OK, I was logged in on a DEV account not the APC SDN one. Thanks.
The client has put this functionality 'on hold' at present as it's not vital to the business. At some point in the future it will probably be resolved. However, I'm not holding out huge hopes as I raised a ticket last month and, since the initial confirmation, have had no feedback whatsoever. As it's not a priority for my…
Can't find any way to raise a support ticket online. Is phoning in the only way to raise a ticket?
This thread can be ignored, it is linked to another issue which I have now raised a support ticket for.
Hi, Thanks for your reply. Not sure we're talking about the same thing. I'm trying to get events into the main calendar for each employee, not the work calendar. (that is, of record type 'calendarevent') Andy
Hi, Thanks for your replies. Re hiding/unhiding fields, this is what I'm thinking may be the solution, though it seems cumbersome to have to do this - a subtab might have many fields in it. Still, I suppose it's a "set and forget" solution for stable structures.
Hi, I did try to do that using some code I found on a web site, however it doesn't appear to do anything. I'm not sure if this means it can't be done (I have a suspicion the code was designed for manipulating Netsuite-driven web pages) or I just didn't implement it correctly. The search continues.
Sorry for opening up a 5 year old thread, but it would be nice if those asking questions, who then solved it, could share with the group what the solution was.
It would just be nice if core functionality worked and didn't break between releases. <MEOW> Honestly not trying to sound catty, but I really hope not too many NS resources are being directed at iPhone apps and other 'icing' (sure, if you use an iPhone it's nice but isn't a solid, working core NS system more important to…
Lucky you. I seem to get it for everything, all the time.
I have received a wrist slap in the past for going through other channels in a much more public way. Monitoring the rest of the Net and then wrist-slapping members for exercising their right to free speech in places not directly controlled by NetSuite does not sound overly tolerant...
Rob, You raise a good point. We'll provide a way to hide the answer. Please allow some time for writing the code and plenty of time for testing. You can track the progress if you file a case with Support and reference issue 247450. Brian You have to be kidding, right? Just make the form field of 'password' type - the…
As per a recent thread, the online support case system doesn't work.
What like: 1. Add [ type="password" ] to appropriate <input> field in HTML source code. 2. Set x = 1; y = number of browsers Loop while x <= y { Set Browser to [x] 3a. Load page. 3b. Type 'security' answer. 3c. Ensure characters typed are represented by *, circle or some other uniform character. 3d. Submit the form and…
Oh yeah real sensible. Let's hope there are no relatives using Netsuite (to be fair, it's unlikely). I thought most of the questions were either banal or US-biased (I don't even know what "sixth grade" translates to, or who my "fourth grade teacher" was.) I won't divulge my answers here but they now include the same silly…
It's probably against house rules to criticize the all-powerful, but this kind of issue has to be stamped out. Not this specific issue per se, but the fact that a version upgrade seems to break standard components. I wouldn't mind if a script containing non-standard 'hacks' broke with each release — that's an occupational…
EVERY time I log in. Always. Without fail. WTG making NS even more annoying than usual. PLEASE remove this ridiculous 'authentication' for admins after the first question, at least if logging in on the same browser on the same IP. Set a cookie? C'mon!
I'm in Chrome on Mac, and it happens in the same session (i.e. not quitting and restarting the browser). I'm learning to open new tabs from menu items within Netsuite rather than logging in each time (which I used to do). I know that cookies/cache aren't being cleared automatically, because this is something I often have…
By the way, on topic, my current project manager informed me that scheduled scripts/scheduled workflows 'stopped working' since the upgrade. I don't have more information than this but I guess it's something else fun for me to investigate (and delay new work which could've been done instead) tomorrow.
I know this is really unhelpful for your (or anyone's) specific case, but we pretty much have given up on Workflow (which is a shame as in principle it's a good potential system especially if you have savvy end user admins who get WF but not scripting) and have gone to scripting only. Though basic WFs do seem to work, we…
Hi Olivier, This is fine in itself. The 'missing' field in this case has "store value" checked, so it should be visible upon record creation. Even though the user cannot enter their own value, there are several other inline/store value fields like this which do display upon record creation. Andy
Ok thanks.
NetSuite has always been relatively slow for me (compared to other 'cloud'/online systems) but yes, some operations have seemed particularly sluggish recently.
But surely you love typing in where you had your first kiss? :D
Please open a separate NetSuite Support case regarding this. If you could include the browser and browser version this is reproduced on that would also be helpful. Don't you love irony?
Not via the 'notify support' link presumably given that it doesn't work!
A case was raised and this had supposedly been fixed for me for the past three days. Now today it's asking me these stupid darn questions every time I log in via a new tab. Again.
I won't hold my breath. :(