My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Yup that's it. Thanks!
Hello, So I tried that and it still didn't work. What exactly would I need to type in the field for it to import correctly. Thanks
Dew awesome! Thanks!
@ddension I was afraid that was the only way. Looks like I will be hitting Alt+Enter about 1000 times. Awesome! Also maybe this is a slightly quicker way of doing the same thing. Instead of going from notepad to excel, you can just do it directly in Excel by clicking alt+enter where you want the new lines.
How about importing and creating a child (subcustomer). ie. the subcustomer does not yet exist, but it would create when being imported. Is this possible?
Where do bounced emails go when they are not from a marketing campaign? For instance, we are going to start to email statements and I am sure there will be like 1000 emails that are not correct. How do we find the emails that did not go through?
Yeah, I just ended up using a custom script. On Init use the nlapiSetFieldValue API. Would be nice if you could just use the value attribute inside the NL HTML tag. I shall up vote enhancement Thanks for the quick response anyways!
Any luck on this? Looking for exact same thing. Thanks
Daniel, thanks for confirming my suspicion. I tried using an else statement, I am getting an error that it is not a correct item number for the subsidiary. But I am sure it is an item for that subsidiary if (value && typeof value != 'object'){ // ignore other type of parameters record.setFieldValue(fieldname, value); }…
Thank you so much!!!
It this helps anyone, the syntax is curl -X POST -H 'NLAuth' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"key":"val"}' URL
Okay thanks. I was a little confused about the header, I thought maybe it could be passed through the URL as well, but now see how to do it. I guess the header gets passed through the wire or something like that. I was able to do it with cURL. [CODE]curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: NLAuth…
michoel, I am looking into using SQuirrel SQL, but I do not have any Java experience, but it looks like I can query data using pure SQL through GUI. So I am would like to give it a try. I have installed SQuirrel SQL and the JDBC driver. I added NetSuite's JDBC driver (NQjc.jar) into squirrel's path (/program…
I was able to successfully create the driver, I received this message after creating. "Driver class com.netsuite.jdbc.openaccess.OpenAccessDriver successfully registered for driver definition: NetSuite" But was not able to create an alias. Below is the error message I received, not sure if it means anything to you. Again I…
Thanks and thanks for the confirmation
I dunno, maybe related case.... I switched over who the transactions are being sent from. Setup > Company > Email Preferences > From Address For Emailed Forms > Subsidiary Return Email Address ( was on From User) I did it about 10 minutes ago and it is still sending from user. I switched it yesterday and it worked fine and…