My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Not really sure, but it's worth checking. If it had something to do with your transactions, then it might show up, but if it was something that the system fixed in the back end, then it might not.
For WMS, here's what suiteanswer 87139 has to say: When you save a wave, NetSuite WMS generates pick tasks from the line items of orders, or from kit components particularly for kit/package items. Although I don't have a lot of experience in this module yet, but suiteanswer 1013016 has a demo video showing that when there…
Do you have any other NetSuite tabs open? Like did you run another search or page that uses a different search? example: You first opened the Sales Order list, then opened an Item Fulfillment list, then tried to export the Sales Order list. I only asked because I think I encountered the behavior before and this is what…
Hey there, is this comment still related to your negative inventory issue? Anyway, maybe you can also consider running an Inventory Valuation Detail report and add a Running Balance column on the Quantity. This would usually show the flow of transactions and would possibly show when your inventory quantity became negative.
That is weird behavior.. Out of curiosity, I tried the search on our instance and it worked for me. Here are some steps to try and troubleshoot: Run a Transaction search with only Type = Inventory Transfer as the Criteria, check if there will be results Run a Transaction search and add Type in the Results. Sort based on…
Haven't encountered this scenario yet, but based on expected system behavior, when two Inventory Worksheets are entered for the same day and the second one is marked as "Last In the Day", the financial impact of the first worksheet will be reversed or nullified because NetSuite processes the second worksheet as the final…
Have you checked SuiteAnswers 106442 which lists the Prerequisites for this SuiteApp? Basically, you need to: Have OneWorld Enable all the features listed Install SCM Mobile If you still encounter the error after making sure that you have done everything in the list, you should consider filing a case so support can check…
Hi, Calculating a running total or dynamically determining the first date when inventory will be depleted in a NetSuite Saved Search can be very challenging due to the limitations of the saved search formula functionality. Specifically, saved searches don't have a built-in feature for "running totals" across rows or an…
Maybe you can try adding a CASE statement in you formula that would only get the value of the transaction quantity if the transaction type is Item Fulfillment.. It will look something like: CASE WHEN {type#display} = 'Item Fulfillment' THEN {transactionlines.quantity} ELSE 0 END Test it out if it works. You might need to…
Since you have custom fields here, I suggest you also share the setup of your custom field, and where it is applied so our experts can further replicate and test. However, based on my understanding, it seems that you have a formula sourcing values from Custom Transaction Body fields, and then the other one is sourcing…
This behavior might be due to the Item: Location On Hand field on your Results tab. If you have different locations, then the search results will pull the On Hand value per Location, which will result in multiple lines/rows per item.
It's standard functionality that if the Inventory feature is enabled, those tasks will be on the checklist. I don't think there is a way to customize this. Sorry it's not the answer you want to hear.
Hey there Rebecca, interesting requirement you have here. I had an idea to use the running balance formula I previously saw here in the community: However, when I tried it, I received an error. Seems like the formula doesn't work if there is summary type. That being said, I don't think it is possible since you have Item:…
I agree with Amanda. It would be helpful if you can share screenshots of your Criteria and Results so we can further troubleshoot.
Is the Inventory feature enabled on your account?
Commit Orders page is not available if Supply Allocation is enabled. Check SA 32363. There's a note there that the topic is only applicable if you have not enabled the Supply Allocation feature in your account.
Have you tried to enable then disable the Centralize Purchasing in a Single Location preference? If this doesn't work, I suggest you file a support case.
Try adding TO_NUMBER before your free-form text fields. If that doesnt work, try to create a search showing the values of those fields to check if there is a non-numeric character in any of the results.
maybe try adding a line id column in the csv and mapping it to the line id of the member item
Create Project
answer: C
Answer: C A D B arrange the choices…
No, you can’t reference formula fields in search results. But you can add another formula field and copy paste the formula from your other formula fields into the 3rd one get the to get the result you need.
My bet is on Material Requirements Planning. Afaik, that’s a more complex version of Demand Planning basically, so there’s a high chance that enabling the feature exposed the field on your forms.
can you elaborate on what exactly you mean by independent assembly item? and by subitem, do you mean the component items? Usually, the term subitem is used when referring to Matrix Items. Sorry, just a bit confused as to why you want to create an assembly without components. The main purpose of assembly item is to be able…
I agree with Jeremy that the Ship Date might be pulling from the Expected Ship Date field in the item line. Check your custom form if it is hidden. It seems that something happened between Jan’23 and Oct’23 that might have somehow added the Expected Ship Date field on your account. You should look at what features were…
If you are using a transaction search, you might need to use the Customer Join field in the formula: {customermain.lastsaledate} Also, since it is already a transaction search, try using {trandate} instead of {transaction.trandate}
Hi, Can you try: CASE WHEN MAX({line.cseg_enco_manufactu}) = 'Crestron' THEN SUM({estgrossprofit})/SUM(NULLIF({amount},0)) END or CASE WHEN MAX({applyingtransaction.type}) = 'Sales Order' THEN SUM({tranestgrossprofit})/SUM(NULLIF({amount}-NVL({taxtotal},0),0)) END You might be receiving the error because you had SUM in…
Yes, ideally these should be equal. Just make sure that both reports use the same date in the footer/filter.
Try changing the equal sign to IN CASE WHEN {terms} IN ('Before Shipment','3 Weeks Before Shipment','50% Deposit','50% Net 30') THEN NVL({total},0)-NVL({custbody_so_deposit_amount},0) ELSE 0 END