Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

Please re-enable right-click menus in the DV filter bar


Organization Name



Before version 5.5 (I think this is the version the feature was removed) there existed the ability to right-click anywhere on the filter bar in DV to add expression filters.  Now you have to scroll all the way over to the right of the filter bar and click the menu button to create an expression filter.  

Also, for traditional filters you could right-click on the filter to disable/delete, etc...  Now you have to click a tiny arrow to get the context menu to perform these functions.  

Right-click functionality already existed, why remove?

Use Case and Business Need

As someone who uses right-click context menus across many applications including OAC as part of my general workflow, I found the removal of this feature a little baffling.  Please return this functionality, please!

More details

I find the new approach to be slower, more cumbersome, and not an improvement to what existed prior.

Original Idea Number: 0666cc6c6d

5 votes

Delivered · Last Updated


  • Jay, we are moving the 'Add Expression Filter' under the + to add a filter. I will check why the right-click menu was removed, but in general, I feel that the + button to add a filter is a better place for this functionality. This change is planned for Q1 (if all goes well).

  • Jay Griffeth
    Jay Griffeth ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Gabby,

    Thank you for the update.  I agree, adding the ability to create an expression filter from the '+' button makes sense.  Now if we can bring back the ability to right-click a filter in the filter bar to bring up the context menu for actions such as disable filter, enable filter, clear filter selections, delete, etc... That is so much easier and better than trying to click on the tiny dropdown arrow in the filter.

    Thanks again for listening and responding to the feedback!
