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Catalog file size limit for unarchive option
When you are trying to migrate few catalog folders from one evironment to another in OAC using the Archive and Un-archive method, taking long time. The process is working fine for catalog with less than 1 MB file but for file the size of 10 MB its shows uploading message for hours.
Upon research found there is no .catalog file limit. Now system is going to black circles or browser getting timeout.
#Idea1 : Adding a popup warning message for .catalog file size limit while unarchiving, if exccedes guiding customer to use catalog manager online mode.
#Idea2: Allowing REST API for this archive / unarchive
Use Case and Business Need
When large .catalog file imported, matainence schedules are upredictable
Original Idea Number: 92dc3b4d05
Bala Guddeti |
Principal Analytics Technologist
Known issue.
For unarchive, even after gateway timeout the request is being processed on
server and would over on server after sometime based on the size of archive
file as the archive file needs a virus scan on server.
yes, currently there is no feasible to notify to active client when the
unarchive gets completed on server (user have to assume that it would be over
after an hour or so).
Development is already working on the enhancement.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist