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Restoring a deleted folder in catalogue

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Accidently deleted a folder. Is there a way to restore the folder?



I accidently delelted a folder in the fusion OBI catalouge.

Is there a way to be able to restore the folder?


  • Sricharan Monigari
    Sricharan Monigari Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Try to see if the same folder is available in any other instance.. like dev, test or prod.. if present and all objects are same, archive and copy to the concerned instance.

    Else raise an SR and work with Oracle Support team and they will get the latest backed up version available and copy it.



  • Just a detail : once deleted in OBI it's deleted forever, not into a trash or temporary place where you can get it back.

    So you either have a backup you restore or go with the ideas posted by Sricharan. 

    (And the backup aren't done automatically, it would be up to you to setup a backup process and make sure you can restore it.)

  • Sricharan Monigari
    Sricharan Monigari Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    On the backups front, Oracle maintains a backup at some frequency on production pods only.. so we can request them to restore it with the latest backup found.. I once have faced such issue and Oracle Support team have restored it from the latest found backup.



  • Mohit Gupta-45440
    Mohit Gupta-45440 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Thankyou Sicharan & Gianni

    This happend in development instance. 

    We will trying tkaing the SR route for this.