Oracle Business Intelligence

Allow Turnover Reporting by Actual Termination Date in Workforce Management - Workforce Trend Subjec


Organization Name

Alkermes, Inc


Currently, the Workforce Trend subject area aggregates turnover reporting by the assignment effective date of the termination date and not the actual termination date.  On the last day of the month or year, this causes the terminations to be counted in the wrong measurement period.  As an HR professional (checking with numerous other organizations), we do our turnover reporting by the actual termination date.  It would be great if organizations were given the flexibility to use either the effective start date of the assignment or the actual termination date for turnover reporting.  This is achievable through case statements in the assignment event subject area but not in the trend subject area from what we have been able to research and try.  

Use Case and Business Need

By allowing us to use the actual termination date for headcount reporting, we would not have to create custom BI solutions as a workaround that should come out of the box.  This would save our company thousands of dollars in development cost if we could leverage the standard subject areas for turnover reporting.  This would also prevent us from using competitor analytical solutions to achieve what we should be able to do out of the box.  We have reported our numbers for years to the board of directors by using the actual termination date and this would cause us to restate our numbers going forward which we don't want to do.  In addition, it is also not in alignment with every HR process such as stock vesting that would end on your actual termination date.  

More details

The current product does not allow us to trend attrition metrics such as Turnover % by Month, Quarter, or Year.  It also does not allow us to leverage other trends of turnover reporting such as voluntary and involuntary metrics.  It would be great if you had 2 trend fact tables, one as is for whatever organizations use assignment effective date for terminations and another one that uses actual termination date with all the logic being the same except for the turnover headcount numbers.  

Original Idea Number: 895ce83d0b

2 votes

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