Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

How to use filters and parameters

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In a canevas, I need to filter a visualization based on a week number which is based on a date selected in a "Dashboard Filter".

In the attachment you can see that the "Dashboard Filter" (1) with a date selected.

On the right, a simple "Table" (2) show the week's date (from a dimension).

I need to use that week as a kind of "Parameter" for the "Pivot Table" (3) to show the rows for that week, but also the previous week and the week of the previous year.

How can we achieve this please ?




  • Hi

    The latest Jul 2023 OAC Release has the Bind Parameter feature :

    Feature Bind parameters to list filters

    Description Bind a parameter to a workbook's list filter to pass a selected filter value to the parameter. Binding a parameter to a workbook's list filter enables content authors to dynamically accept, store, and manipulate the parameter’s stored values. See Bind a Parameter to a Filter.

    Please check out above doc to see if this will help with your requirement.



  • Hi,

    I can indeed bind a parameter to a "Dashboard Filter" to store the selected value (in my cas the date selected by the user in the parameter "P_DATE_VALEUR").

    Then I would like to get the corresponding week in the date dimension table.

    So I try to create another parameter with the following "Logical SQL Query" :


    FROM XSA('...'.'BIG_SET_Egemius')

    WHERE XSA('...'.'BIG_SET_Egemius')."DIM_CALENDRIER"."DATA_VALEUR" = @parameter("P_DATE_VALEUR")('')

    But I get the following error message : "Possible value processing failed for the query" as you can see in the screenshot in attachment.



  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima ✭✭✭✭✭

    In your logical SQL, try to provide some real default value for parameter P_DATE_VALEUR, instead of (''). This could help, I hope.