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If applied formula in column grand total percentage value doesn't correct percentage
If applied formula in column grand total percentage
But column value based on formula is correct but grand total percentage is not correct
2/804 *100=0.25% is correct
But 29/136785 *100=0.49% is not correct 0.02% is correct.
How to set grand total percentage in report.
Please help me anyone
Hi @User_HQ9TE
I tested this and it is working as expected. Please, edit the view and check your aggregation rule for the measure. Set it to the Default rule and test.
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I did as you said tried but still getting same issue. Couldn't change.
Could you please help me.
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Please, can you provide more details on how you build your column and the grand total?
Provide screenshots showing the column formula in the Edit Column Formula box and the current aggregation rule and Grand Total in the Edit View box.
Did you edit the column formula to add your calculation? Is it calculated in the data source?
Also, check the aggregation rule in the Edit Column Formula box.
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Hi @User_HQ9TE try this formula SUM(<your numerator fact> BY <all dimensions in the view separated by commas>/SUM(<your denominator fact> BY <all dimensions in the view separated by commas>. It should work.
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Hi @User_HQ9TE
Please, check your aggregation rule. I tested this and it working as expected.