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Custom Report - It is possible to translate Layout name in a RTF type report

We have a OTBI report created with a RTF template. In the report, we have by example an Layout name call Approval_RTF. When we attach this report to a dashbord and run it, Layout name is display as an tabs.
We use Xliff file translation to translate the content of the report and also caption managent export and import to change catalog information on the dashboard.
My problem is i'm not able to find the layout name in both place to translate it.
Is anyone now if it'S possible to translate it and how ?
Hi Patrick
Please review the given help center documentation link about BIP Translation.
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Hello Rajasekhar
Thanks for the answer, but in this document is seems possible to translate the template name in the report. This is in the catalog section, but when i extract the folder i saw the report name only. Not able to see the template name on the catalog side and also in the report Xliff.
Iswhy i ask the question.
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Hi Patrick
Please review the given documentation it might be helpful
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Hi Rajashekar,
I understand and already did that to translate the Dashboard and all component. I tried again to extract everything from the folder where the Dashboard and the report is and got the same result. Not able to find the Report Template Name 'STN_REQUISITION_APPROVALS_RTF' in this file.
I can see report name, dp name, and lot other thing to translate, but when i try to find the Report Template Name that i paste up, didn't find it.
My main problem is i attach the report rtf to the dashboard and a tab is create with the report template name and not able to translate it.