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Iam trying to schedule the report but the report is failing as soon as it is submitted with the
::JOB_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS{1.6}::JOB_EXECUTION_TIME_SECONDS{0}::JOB_PRIORITY_COLON_NORMAL::::JOB_PROCESSOR_EXCEPTION::[INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_serverHA] [INSTANCE_JOB_ID=48064]::Error parsing report parameters :: REPORT=[/~931355/Self-Reflection/FY20 Self Reflection/Self Reflection Report FY20.xdo] INSTANCE_JOB_ID=[48064]::parameters:{"p_period_name":"300000494706466","P_TEMP_NAME":"FY20 Annual Self-Reflection","p_person_name":"*","Test":"Note: Click on "Apply" to run the report"} Unterminated object near ":"Note: Click on "Apply" to run the Unterminated object near ":"Note: Click on "Apply" to run the rep
at com::[INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_serverHA]
Can any one suggest the solution
You were maybe a bit too focused on trying to find a fix for your issue when posting.
You could maybe start with a minimum of context, things like a product name and version (it is by far not an implicit thing) etc.
Just a random piece of an error message isn't really going to get you much other than random guesses.
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What could be the issue causing this above error
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Again, as I posted above:
You could maybe start with a minimum of context, things like a product name and version (it is by far not an implicit thing) etc.
Just a random piece of an error message isn't really going to get you much other than random guesses.
0 -
The error appears to be literally: Unterminated object near ":"Note: Click on "Apply" to run the Unterminated object near ":"Note: Click on "Apply"
At quick glance it looks like you messed up the string parsing with a colon unexpectedly?
":"Note: Click on "Apply"
No idea what gson is. Is this something oracle is using in OracleAnalyticsCloud? or something you wrote custom in a dashboard?
GSON throws that particular error when there's extra characters after the end of the object that aren't whitespace, and it defines whitespace very narrowly (as the JSON spec does) - only
, and space count as whitespace. In particular, note that trailing NUL (\0
) characters do not count as whitespace and will cause this error.0