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Table name to capture reverse termination date & its details for reverse terminated employees
Table name to capture reverse termination date & its details for reverse terminated employees
Hi All,
In which table I can find the reverse terminated date & its details for the reverse terminated employee? Please help me with the table name or sample query.
Nirmal kumar
You can try to check in audit table - "per_all_asisgnments_m_" . Also give a try with below SQL and this might help!
select a.action_type_id, a.action_code, o.*
from Per_Action_Occurrences o, per_actions_b a
Where O.Parent_Entity_Key_Id = <PersonID>
and o.parent_entity_type = 'PERSON'
and o.action_id = a.action_id
and a.action_type_id = <TerminationActionTypeID>
and not exists
(select null from per_all_assignments_m asg
where asg.person_id = O.Parent_Entity_Key_Id and asg.action_occurrence_id = o.action_occurrence_id)
order by o.creation_date