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Custom attribute presentation name should match 100% exactly same in the 'Edit Column Formula' of a

Organization Name
Internal Oracle - My Oracle Support internal Analytics
OTBI Subject Area extended attribute reporting has some confusion. In the presentation layer, custom column displayed as 'Display Name' for example "Service Request Extension"."Account Classification". Try editing the column formula it is showing with Extension Attribute("Service Request Extension"."Extension Attribute Character 015").
In the report, if we change the Column Heading then there is no easy way to find which presentation attribute was used in the formula. We have many extended columns it will be a nightmare to remember all. Ideally, the presentation column name should match exactly the same with the column formula.
Please take a look at the attached screen.
Use Case and Business Need
a) Create a report with any extended attributes
b) edit column heading and column formula and use case statement or add any expression
c) save the report.
d) open the report from catalog
e) edit the column formula:
Now we will not be able to tell which presentation column was used in the column formula.
Original Idea Number: d8d7abc500
Being able to know what the actual element name is (what shows in subject area) when editing a calculation in a column is very important to being able to maintain a report.
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Having the field definition in within the column be exactly the same as that of the presentation layer is much clear than some random name that is not related to the presentation layer field. The way it currently is makes it very difficult for maintaining.
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This is critical to report maintainability.
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This is essential to maintain the reports.
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This is very important for our reporting accuracy and ease of use
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Knowing which actual data point is referenced in the formula would save countless hours of work.
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Absolutely necessary
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Essential requirement for efficient report maintenance.