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Resource Emailid Hierarchies are needed

Organization Name
My Oracle Support Organization
Currently, OTBI Resource Hierarchy has Resource Name/Login/Position Code/Resource ID/Resource Organization Code but there is no email id hierarchy, we need emailed hierarchy.
We will not be able to go with Resource Name as there exist duplicate names. In the prompts, Login ID or Resource ID would not be productive to identify a person hence we are requesting to have emailed hierarchies along with other hierarchies.
Use Case and Business Need
Need email id employee/resource hierarchy.
Original Idea Number: 40b38ae480
Names are not unique. Need hierarchy built on unique element like email or login. Something that users would know when prompted
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Agree with Don
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Names are not unique, a better solution is needed as recommended (i.e. use of emails)
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A unique, easily recognizable identifier would greatly enhance usability.
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Required for simple, unambiguous filtering on people-based hierarchy.