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Include Enterprise Scheduler Job Display Name in REQUEST_HISTORY table
Organization Name
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
We have a requirement to build a report to replicate the 'Schedules Processes' UI page in fusion to allow clients to view all ESS jobs ran by users in thier organisation. The REQUEST_HISTORY looks to be the only table that contains this data, however it does not include the ESS job display name which is the only meaningful name to an end user.
The REQUEST_HISTORY only includes the name, whereas the display name is required. I have attached files showing a process in 'Scheduled Process' with the name required to be included in the report, a file showing this job in 'Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for Financial, Supply Chain Management, and Related Applications' showing the display name and a file showing the query for the process ID using both the REQUEST_HISTORY and REQUEST_PROPERTY tables. Neither of these tables include the display name required.
It is not even possible to export the full list of jobs in 'Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for Financial, Supply Chain Management, and Related Applications' so we cannot use a custom CASE/DECODE statement.
Use Case and Business Need
Current set up means that users can only see processes ran by themselves in 'Scheduled Processes' due to security issues as we deploy a shared system with multiple legal entities. A report is required so that users from one legal entity can see a list of ESS jobs ran by all users in their legal entity.
Original Idea Number: bbdabcb144
This is needed, Display Name is required on the report.
Thanks - Thiru
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I have noticed that companies following SOX 404 compliance monitor/audit scheduled processes submitted by SCHEDULER/ADMIN users mainly for two reasons (a) to monitor activities and (b) to monitor scheduled integration failures. The only way is to login and extract the details, but it is not the most efficient way. So, I would also like to support this idea. Kindly consider.
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I think this is possible to allow a user to see all the processes submitted by other users as well.
Try creating a custom role using below seeded role and assign that to the user who should monitor all the processes. I did it in my environment and it works as expected.
ESS Monitor Role
There may be something more, which I am forgetting. Please try this and let me know if it works for you.
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This enhancement request is exactly what we're looking for - a way to query the requests on the system AND show the meaningful request name as the users see / schedule it.
This functionality was used extensively in R12 to monitor and document the very busy concurrent requests schedule and track progress of critical request schedules such as month end and year end.
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To assist with monitoring and documenting our very complex requests schedule and to monitor progress of month end / year end (just like we could do with this functionality in R12 before Fusion)
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I vote for this idea as this is required to be added to the table. Sometimes, it is difficult to identify the ESS Job name by looking at the Job definition. Much needed enhancement.
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The name of the submitted request can be pulled from the table fusion_ora_ess.request_history_view
AND H.REQUESTID = <requestid>1 -
If this has not been address please make this happen.
FWIW, my analysis of the tables REQUEST_HISTORY and FUSION_ORA_ESS.REQUEST_HISTORY_VIEW have determined the NAME column is actually associated with the "Submission Notes" field in the UI, which is NOT the Name of the scheduled process! Hasn't anyone else detected this?
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I can see a similar idea already submitted on cloud customer connect many years back having more than 70+ votes.
It will be good to consolidate the idea at a single location and use all the votes there.
Required ESS Schedule Process Job Name — Cloud Customer Connect
Please review the below idea and upvote if you feel that it will be helpful: