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Audit table for AP_CHECKS_ALL

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Is there any audit table available for AP_CHECKS_ALL table.

In this table, CLEARED_DATE field is getting updated after check is cleared by bank. But i want to know, on what date, this field get updated in this table.


Bharath M


  • Venkat Koduvayur-Oracle
    Venkat Koduvayur-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi @User_1BMP8

    Audit columns like LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATED_BY will help you find the information you are looking.



  • Bharath Kumar Madupuru
    Bharath Kumar Madupuru Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Agree, those two columns will have information whenever that record is updated in AP_CHECKS_ALL table

    But suppose CLEARED_DATE field is populated today for one of the check, that time last_update_date field will be updated as todays date. But again last_update_date will be updated to another date if any other change happened to that same record.

    Here actually i need the DATE (Ex:Cleared_date field populated date), whenever CLEARED_DATE field is populated in AP_CHECKS_ALL table