Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Need functionality to schedule BI reports with Bi-weekly or every 2 weeks option



  • UdayrajSingh
    UdayrajSingh Rank 0 - Community Observer

    Hello All,

    We have case where usually schedule BI report getting an enhancement request for addition or removal of certain columns and conditions from the report and data model.

    In such case, if the BI report is already scheduled report in Prod instance, enhancing same report in Dev instance and moving catalog file to Prod will impact scheduled runs ?

    Also, in case new changes like additional/removal of column or new additional parameters change will reflect in existing scheduled runs or does it require rescheduling post migration of new changes ?

    Please share your views and help me with your expert opinions

    Appreciate your help and support.

  • UdayrajSingh
    UdayrajSingh Rank 0 - Community Observer

    Hello All,

    We have case where usually schedule BI report getting an enhancement request for addition or removal of certain columns and conditions from the report and data model.

    In such case, if the BI report is already scheduled report in Prod instance, enhancing same report in Dev instance and moving catalog file to Prod will impact scheduled runs ?

    Also, in case new changes like additional/removal of column or new additional parameters change will reflect in existing scheduled runs or does it require rescheduling post migration of new changes ?

    Please share your views and help me with your expert opinions

    Appreciate your help and support.

  • JA1
    JA1 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    This is something valuable to my organization as well, especially since we can do biweekly Job Agents in OTBI.

  • Kimberly Nelson
    Kimberly Nelson Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This would be extremely helpful!