Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

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Why does the subject area 'Sales - CRM Customers' is not showing results promptly?

Received Response

Maybe you can help me identify the reason why the subject area for accounts is so slow at showing results.

Or is it better to create a custom subject area?


  • Regie Mercado
    Regie Mercado Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hello and good day!

    Dearest Ivony ann,

    Are you using two subject areas? For my part, I am not encountering your mentioned problem in single subject area but for two or more subject areas usually it takes time.

    Thanks and best regards.


  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi Ivony Ann,

    You need to share the logical SQL, as text not as an attachment because people cant trust strangers on the internet, if you want a better chance of getting some help.

    Is it just this particular query from this subject area that is slow or all queries from this subject area? Does you query include fact number of customers? "Customer Fact"."# of Customers". What dimensions have you included? Time? Customer? Geography? Industry? Worker?

    Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience

    Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence


    July 2024

    This subject area provides real time information oncustomers such as customer geography, industry, and employees.

    At least 3 things may impact the performance of your query

    • What presentation columns you include in your query along with any aggregations and calculations? Depending on what you select it will join together more or less tables and views. Are you at the "grain" at the bottom transaction level or does your query aggregate across rows to a higher level in your dimensions.
    • The volume of data in your application. How many customers etc. do you have?
    • You users setup with data security. The system will add where clauses at runtime to do data security which may slow down for one user versus another if the setup is different.

    To debug

    Ask your BI Administrator to go to page manage privileges /analytics/saw.dll?PrivilegeAdmin to grant the user or a role that your user is granted or inherit, privileges Issue SQL Directly and Manage Sessions.

    Now log on as the user with the performance problem to go to page issue sql /analytics/saw.dll?issuerawsql, cut paste the logical sql from the advanced tab of the analysis, issue sql with log level default and use cache true, select View Log. Cut paste each of the one or more physical sql statements to an "ad-hoc" data model. Now you can run with "generate sql monitor report". Repeat by comment in and out bits to focus on the problem area.

    Regards, Nathan

  • Ivony Ann Paula Salango
    Ivony Ann Paula Salango Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hello @Regie Mercado, I'm only using this one subject area that's why I cannot find the reason of the slowness.

  • Ivony Ann Paula Salango
    Ivony Ann Paula Salango Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hello @Nathan CCC thanks for your help, however I wasn't able to generate the logs it says, 'No Logs found'.

  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Ivony Ann, Did you click the Issue SQL button to get some results before you clicked View Log? Also make sure the log level was set to 2 and that the checkbox for presentation cache is ticked before you click Issue SQL.

  • Ivony Ann Paula Salango
    Ivony Ann Paula Salango Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hello @Nathan CCC , I have identified the issue using the session logs. It is coming from the HZ_PARTIES where we are getting the required field for this report. I am now looking for other workarounds to accomplish the report. Thank you so much for your assistance!