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How to fix when tile visualizations are stuck in the top row layout rather than going to the center?

Accepted answer

All three of these tiles are set to 'Center Center' Layout and the grammar panel on the left shows the selection in the third tile 'Pending Days' which is set to center center, but shows in the top row only for some reason. I have encountered this issue in several other tiles as well, and I am not sure how to fix it. It will go to Top Right, Top Center, or Top Left, however anything in the center or bottom will just show it in the top row for some reason. Has any one else encountered this issue and do you know of any fixes for it?


Best Answer

  • Caroline Blanchard
    Caroline Blanchard Rank 6 - Analytics Lead
    Answer ✓

    Logged an SR about this issue and it was solved. Basically, if your tile metric has a description in there it will cause the stuck in top row issue. To fix it you go into your custom calculation and delete the description. If using an out of the box calculation that has a long definition, you'll have to create a custom calculation and just input that metric and delete the description. But this works for when the justification is stuck at the top and when the tiles won't align just slightly with the description.