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Organization Chart

Received Response


Provides a sample organization chart by top manager


This .dva document provides a sample visualization and an associated dataset that powers the organization chart. The data set is based on a logical sql attached here. The organization chart is based on the managers that are available for reporting in the Top Manager dimension of HCM - Workforce Core subject area in FAW.

  1. Download and Import the attached .dva document to your OAC instance
  2. Open 'Organization Chart New.dva' and choose the Top Manager name from the drop down list

Note: Org Chart is a custom plugin in OAC. You can download and execute it from the following link -


Org Chart.png



  • BalaGuddeti-Oracle
    BalaGuddeti-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    How can we perform the code changes to Org chart?

    1)    Find out if we can hide the All / Direct text so that it doesn’t interfere with the name

    2)    Find out if the BOX can be larger or ensure that the NAME can be fully displayed

    3)    Can you see if you are able to click on something in the Org Chart to allow filters in the other reports to narrow the data down? If I click on the box the report to the right of it can use that NAME as a filter to open another report detail.

    In other words, I will have the Org Chart on top and then another bottom report underneath on the same canvas. While I click on the top Org Chart, the bottom chart does some filtering down with more data.

    4)    Can we allow the Org Chart to have a button to execute a Javascript command? I was hoping we can pass a text to a javascript call to have the digital assistant talk more details. I’m able to do that with normal html javascript calling a digital assistant but if it works within this org Chart then it will help us explain more info with voice.

    Bala Guddeti

    Principal Analytics Technologist

  • Mike Householder
    Mike Householder Rank 1 - Community Starter


    We are trying to building a Org Chart using this plugin, but the visualization is not working. I am assuming that an update to OAC has broken the plugin.

  • Juan Rendon R
    Juan Rendon R Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi, I am trying to use this example but I don't see the DVA attached? Can you please provide it...

  • Shubhada Patil
    Shubhada Patil Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Can some one provide data file to test.

  • Branden Pavol
    Branden Pavol Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    I was able to successfully get the custom plugin to work but it has some pretty annoying flaws that makes it virtually unusable.

    1. It always resets back to the top of the org. My org has 5000 people in it and it's a lot to peg into.
    2. Filters do not work at all. I would like to be able to filter to a person or a department and either zoom to that section or filter out all the others.
    3. Someone mentioned earlier how the names don't always fit in the box
    4. The legend is not customizable.
  • Branden Pavol
    Branden Pavol Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    @User_NP7ZZ One thing I noticed is that the employee and managers keys need to be numeric values. It will not work with text.

    For example:

    Employee number, Manager Number, Employee Name, Department, Job Title

    1234, 5678, John Smith, Corporate, Analyst

  • User_I700G
    User_I700G Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Dear Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle

    We noticed the plugin is not able to show data if the population is above 10K. Which makes it limited to be used by clients who have small worker counts. Below is a link of my thread:

    Can this limit be fixed/increased in future release?


    Pranjal Saigal.