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What is the subject area that would have "returned quantity of a PO" information?

Hi Experts,
May I ask what is the subject area that would have "returned quantity of a PO" information?
I have another CCC post submitted in "Inventory Management" category, but since it's related to subject area, please let me know whether posting the inquiry here is suitable:
Thank you very much.
Best Answer
Hi all,
Just an update that thanks to the CCC experts, we later use "Receiving - Purchase Receipts Real Time" which is having "- Purchase Receipt Line Details"."Returned Quantity" field.
Thank you
Procurement and Spend?
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Have you checked below SA?
Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real TimeReceiving - Purchase Receipts Real TimeMore information on:
What is the purchased item quantity that was returned back to the supplier? (
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Dear @MandeepGupta,
Thank you for your response. I then tried with the subject area of "Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time" with an Analysis type, but it seems that due to we are not using "Work Order", there's no data in the result…
I've also tried another similar one which is "Manufacturing - Purchased Item Usage Real Time", also in vain.
May I ask if there're other key points I need to take notice of when using the 2 mentioned subject areas (e.g. what are the fields I must select)?
Thank you.