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Need help in building the Excel based BI Publisher ReportHi, I am trying to build an excel based BI Publisher report in the below format SKU and Description Comes from Table T1 In this table for every SKU there will be 1 recor…ItsSaurabh 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ItsSaurabh Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Which Fusion OTBI subject area contains data pertaining to Team Member Workbench Journeys?I am looking to generate an analysis that generates completion data specific to certain users and/or Journey assignments. The assignments mentioned are the Journeys loca…
Oracle Analytics Desktop Publishe ReportsHi, I'm using Oracle Analytics Desktop Tool for designing and generating a reports and statistics using oracle database as a dataset, the tool is very good but I have so…User_K696M 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by User_K696M Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Procurement OTBI Reports - Upgrading from EBS to FusionIs there a list of Seeded EBS reports that lists out each report and which Fusion seeded report that is replacing it? Specifically: Encumbrance Detail Report (XML) Mass …Parker DiNardo-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Parker DiNardo-Oracle Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
Dynamic Hyperlinking within a BI Publisher RTF TemplateI am creating an RTF template which contains the master report and detailed report. The Master report (page 1 ) contains the list of all order numbers. The Detailed repo…Kath Alcayde 14 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Kath Alcayde Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
4Ability to show a customized confidetiality noteDescription This ability should allow us to expose a default/customized confidentiality note at the bottom of each Dashboard Page (i.e. attached printscreen). Use Case a…Eduard Paraschiv 52 views 5 comments 4 points Most recent by Gabby Rubin-Oracle Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
26Limit share options in OASOrganization Name STANTEC Description There is a share option in OAS that allows the user to share a visualization as PDF, ppt, csv, dva etc Is it possible to disable th…Taufik AL-SARRAJ 41 views 2 comments 26 points Most recent by GauravSingh Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
12Hide Columns/Fields in DV allowing you to apply data actions referencing fields not displayed in theOrganization Name Arcadis Description The data action is a very powerful functionality and having the ability to use it in DV and linking reports directly into the sourc…Wilian Perone 82 views 5 comments 12 points Most recent by Marcelo Finkielsztein Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
15BI Publisher Pivot xpt layout only allows 5 row fields. Can this be increased ?Description Pivot option (using BIP report) only accommodates 5 row fields and cannot add more. Can this limit be increased? Use Case and Business Need This can be achie…kmanda 238 views 1 comment 15 points Most recent by Michal Zima Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
21Greater flexibility when navigating within BI DashboardsDescription Users really benefit from the ability to drill-down or navigate, but with OAC/OAS the feature is quite fixed and static. In reality, we don't know until run-…Antony Heljula 31 views 1 comment 21 points Most recent by Will Kelly Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab