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PVJ ✭✭


  • Thank you @SivaB -Oracle, but that doesn't work either. We have restarted the OAC service, but the agents are still visible in the Manage Agent Session view: and I get the same error when I try to run the agent:
  • Thank you for your answers! I'm using OAC. Is the Scheduler Job Manager available in OAC? Is it a different tool from the Admin Tool? and in the admin tool, I open the repository in cloud mode, so Manage > Sessions is not able to select (the option is disabled) Paula
  • Hello @Ashish-Oracle I have seen this doc, but I would like to cancel the agents, because they have been running for more than 5 hours, and they do not finish, and I need to get the results of the their execution.
  • We also need that role (a separate Administration Role exclusive for Agents/ iBots) for users responsible for agent management (who does not have BI admin role). They need to monitor the execution of all agents as a whole (have access to the Admin View option in Delivery Monitoring) and, if necessary, modify another user's…