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I finally got this working by using this : <?If:CERT_NAME_P = ''?>All<?end if?> <?If:CERT_NAME_P != ''?><?CERT_NAME_P?><?end if?>
So I'm trying to implement this and it's failing when I select two items. It says it's missing a parenthsis. I know your original comment is recommending to set to text field has comma seperated values. I'm wondering if this is counting on that being true. This is a Menu Parameter Type though, because I want it to be based…
Just thinking through usability. If the screen just shows PDF Open, I would prefer it just export instead of opening the new tab with no data.
I think I now realize I can click export from the gear icon and select pdf and it works as expected. I guess it's just that the preview doesn't show up which I select pdf. It is a few pages, so may be it just doesn't open if its over a few pages.
Sorry I wasn't sure you needed that also: Attached the report & data model
Attached is the report catalog. I also observed there isn't an export to CSV option either. I would appreciate help making that an option. I would expect it to export the same as Excel, but for large files, CSV can often be a preferred way to store the data.
How would I add an if statement to my layout?
Yay this works. I'm hoping you can help me with one question that extends this situation. Since 'All' comes through as null when I put the parameters on my layout it shows up blank, but I get all results. I want my parameter to read 'All' in my layout
Thank you for responding. I initially got a missing from error. I moved from to a new line. I then got an ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis error, but the parenthesis look fine. Not sure what needs changing. copilot recommended this, but its not the same and results in the same error when I select two options.