Firefox Java Plugin not loading specifically in OEL
763732Jul 2 2010 — edited Jul 8 2010I have been trying to get the Java Plugin to load in my Firefox browser to no avail. This seems to be the case only on OEL. Java Plugin loads successfully in Firefox in Ubuntu, Windows and Mac. Hence the post in the OEL forum.
I have gone through the documented install instructions for the Java plugin without success on OEL, but works fine on Ubuntu and other OS's.
I am runnning the following environment:
OEL: 2.6.18-
Firefox: 3.6.4
Java: 1.6.0_20
Java is installed in - /usr/java/jre1.6.0_20
Firefox/Mozilla plugin directory is at - /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped
Symbolic linked /usr/java/jre1.6.0_20/plugin/i386/ns7/ to both the above directories
But upon starting Firefox I do not see the java plugin listed in config:about or from Tools->Add Ons->Plugins.
Needless to say, the java detection test at fails to identify the plugin and reports a missing plugin.
I have tried to symbolic link the java plugin to my local .mozilla/plugins directory, but the result is the same.