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Antivirus software for Solaris

807557Feb 17 2008 — edited Apr 7 2008
Can anybody briefly explain what type of security measures must be taken on a regular x86 desktop or notebook with Solaris installed regarding viruses.
What kind of anti-virus software is currently out there? What are your recommendations?


We ran WebShield for several years on a separate NT box so that only external mail was scanned. Horrific product! Don't waste your time. Try MailScanner. It's free and much more reliable.
i have successfuly done it with 5.1, and NT4 on the same box.

1) install webshield,
2) Install the iplanet messaging server software with a typical installation, and MAKE SURE you tick the mail relay (smarthost) option and set it to myhost.domain (where myhost is the name of the server you are installing it on).
MAKE SURE you set the SMTP port to 7192 during installation as well.
3) edit the C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\services file and change the line that says:-
smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
and change 25/tcp for 7192/tcp.
4) in the webshield delivery tab set the outgoing mail port to 7192 and tick the box that says webshield and the mailserver on the same server.
5)tick the box that says enable direct send delivery method, click edit and put in all the domains that your mailhost handles mail for.
6)tick enable dns lookup, click edit and put in your email domain and the address of your dns.
7) Reboot the machine and it should now all work.
8) If all is ok, go on to set up the anti-spam relaying measures in the relevant tab.
9) this will stop most spam relaying, but it will still allow %hack relaying of the form, you can fix this by doing the following:-

Open the registry with REGEDIT.

Browse to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\TVD\WebShield SMTP\MailScan'.

Select 'Edit | New | DWORD Value' from the menu bar.

Name the new value "BlockPercent".

Highlight the 'BlockPercent' value and select 'Edit | Modify' to set the value of the key.

To enable blocking, set the value of 'BlockPercent' to "1".

To disable blocking, set the value of 'BlockPercent' to "0".

I hope all this helps.

Nathan Lock
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Locked on May 5 2008
Added on Feb 17 2008