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Upgradation of webserver

807567Nov 12 2007 — edited Nov 12 2007
I am using Distribution product which uses iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP5 webserver . I want to upgrade it into Sun Java System Webserver7.0. Is it poosible ? What are the major changes i have to make regarding this.
Please anybody inform me the difference b/w Sun Java System Webserver and sun one webserver. Is they are compatible to each other ?

thank you


Yes, you can migrate your Web Server 6.0 to the latest Web Server 7.0 using migration utility. You have admin GUI or Admin CLI support to do so.

Web Server 7.0 documentation is at :

It has Installation and Migration Guide at

"Sun One Web Server" is the brand name of Web Server 6.1 and "Sun Java System Web Server" is the name of Web Server 7.0. Yes all 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0 versions of our servers are compatible.
Thank you for ur useful information.
In iplanet /config/*atrevefilter.reg* is the registry file . where can i get registry file in sun java webserver. Also is any thing i need to change in obj.conf & magnus.conf file when updating my webserver. Please guide me about this.
I do not know about any registry file, I will check with others. You can ignore it for now.

No, you need not change anything before migrating.
Migration using CLI :
Migration using GUI :
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Locked on Dec 10 2007
Added on Nov 12 2007