Workaround for "system cannot find file C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /e:4096."
When I used the startOraBPEL.bat an error appears in a dos box: "The system cannot find the file C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /e:4096." (olite server is not starting up)
The error is produced by the 'start' application.
The problem (on my system: win2000) lays in calling the start_olite batch file within startOraBPEL.
The workaround I used was to replace (within startOraBPEL.bat) the line:
start /d "<C:\orabpel-dir>\bin" /min /realtime start_olite.bat
set PATH=<C:\orabpel-dir>\bin;<C:\JAVA-DIR>\j2sdk1.4.2_04\jre\bin\server;%PATH%
set classpath=<C:\orabpel-dir>\lib\olite40.jar
start /d "<C:\orabpel-dir>\bin" /min /realtime <C:\orabpel-dir>\bin\olsv2040.exe /debug
Replace <C:\orabpel-dir> and <C:\JAVA-DIR> with your own directories.